I hope that you are all okay. This would have been my third year at Christmas without my beloved dad but my grief for him hit me out of the blue in July 2024.
Dad died 9th August 2022.
So Christmas 2024 felt like my “first” without him and wow this grief journey is one hell of a rollercoaster.
Can anyone share with me if they have experienced waves of grief and how you deal with them. As my last wave has lasted almost 6 days! I don’t even know what I am getting so upset about it is confusing.
Also has anyone else experienced physical symptoms with their grief?
Thank you for reading this far…
I’m so sorry for the loss of your dad, @Lise1. Christmas can be especially hard, can’t it?
I’m sure someone will be along to share their thoughts. I just wanted to reassure you that experiencing physical symptoms from grief is really normal. We have an article about it here which you might find helpful to read.
My waves of greif are generally getting slightly worse around hard times of year my greif has made me sick to my stomach given me migranes and made my anxiety worse
I too have waves of grief - i describe it as feeling like a sudden thump in the chest and a sudden realisation of oh my god she really has gone (my gorgeous mum).
I don’t have any advive I’m sfraid other than empathy - the waves that hit you are so hard as its that sudden sharp realisation all over again that she’s really gone.
My mum died November 2023 at home and that moment of death still haunts me. I feel like that’s the ‘thump’ that hits me. Distraction usually gets me through in the moment but like you the depressive/grief slump can then set in. I honesty never realised that grief is so hard. Thoughts and love to you
Hi Robin,
I am sorry to hear that you are having a anxious day. I now try to look at it as a positive that your body and mind are trying to help you heal even though at times it feels uncomfortable and painful.
I cannot stop crying but I tell myself that this is okay and that it is normal and by mind is trying to process all the emotions that have been delayed as before my body put me in survival mode after dad had died xxxx