We all seem to be feeling the same, can it get better?

Hello again.
Things are much improved for me although I have sad times too. I have been to Europe with my daughter for a short break and this helped as my partner and I always went for a short break after Xmas.
I am doing some volunteering too which I really enjoy. I still rely on my long term friends and family for support.
I don’t think anyone can understand this situation until they experience it for themselves sadly.
Hope you are doing ok :blush:


Yes it really is a jouney we did not want to go on.
I feel i was doing well now going backwards feeling down. I miss my husband so much memory on my phone we were in Fiji Feb23 and then 4 months later he was gone no warning.
I hope to volunteer to get out to meet others as dont have family or friends nearby
Take care

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Hi Lynne, it’s a journey I think we all face at some point, just the closeness that’s the killer. A friend, a relative… someone you know is one thing. But your soul mate, the only person in the world, it’s quite a different thing isn’t it. I have family, but I’m not close to any of them and don’t see them. I’m way closer to my partners family. We never had kids, but she did have a daughter we didn’t see for 13 years… Thankfully she is now back in my life, and I can say it’s saved me a bit. Just having someone out there to send me a message every day, means the world to me. Losing your partner suddenly, that’s way worse than my 8 months knowing it was going to happen, I had time to do everything I could for her, it was an honour.

Hi @Gav
Thank you for your kind words.
I know its hard to make new friends but i wl make effort to.
I am also hoping to travel to Australia sometime this year to see my daughter son in law and grandchildren. We saw them together last year little did we know that would be the last one he was around cause 4 months later he was gone.
Sometimes feel like Why he was only 63.
Guess we dont know whats ahead and should make the most of what we have


It is so good to hear that someone has found happiness and found a way out of this grief. Doesn’t mean you have loved less. Good luck.


No judgement from me hope all goes well for you life is short do what makes you happy Xx


@Nicenursenic no judgement from me. Just wishing you all the happiness in the world. To you both

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Can Wayne2 message me please

Hope you’re new relationship is going well