We have lost our wonderful son aged 31

Feeling like life is not worth living with out our son Adam. Getting out of bed and even breathing is just so hard. He died suddenly on the 8th December 2018 . Leaving his beautiful wife 6 months pregnant with there baby girl Alice rose. This is the hardest thing that has ever happened to us and don’t no how we will get through this .


I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your son. I can understand what you are going through as my lovely adopted daughter Jade died on 10th September 2018. I found her dead. She was 32. It is a terrible shock and unbearably sad. But it is wonderful that you still have his wife who is pregnant with his child. I have found that it is helpful to keep busy and try and have a regular routine. Otherwise it is easy to become very depressed and to stay in bed. But you will have ups and downs. It is good to be able to talk about your loved one. I talk about Jade to her partner and her best friend. Jade was buried in the cemetery. It is a peaceful place. I like going there to visit her. Her headstone is just up and has her photo on it. Although it is a life cut short, remember all the happy memories and the good times you had together. You will have the joy of having a little granddaughter. xx

I’m so sorry for your family’s loss. I can understand how you feel, as will everyone else on this forum.
We lost our precious daughter suddenly in August and we too find everything so hard. However, I did not think I would get through a month but here we are at four. Never is the saying 'one step at a time’s more true. It is all that we can do.
Sending you hugs xx

Thank you for your kind words. We are trying to get through Christmas by accepting it’s jus another day as celebrating Christmas is something we don’t feel we will ever do again. Xx

I u sweat and how u feel , I lost my son , aged 30 in Oct 2018 , he only went into hospital with stomach pains , and never came out .
I have never felt so much pain in all my life , only ppl that have been through this can know , friends try to help , but it seems a lot of them don’t know what to say to u in case they make u cry , don’t know how to carry on living the rest of my life without him , like you I have to force myself to get out of bed for my other children , who are in a pain all of their own , life will never be the same , god bless x