Wedding anniversary today

31 years today since we got married. Mark really liked to celebrate the day and we would always have a lovely meal out and sometimes a hotel stay. We had a lovely party for our silver wedding anniversary but last 2 years we couldn’t do anything because of his illness and lockdown. But we were together and that is all that mattered.
He left me a letter, I’ve only read it once and put it away, too upsetting. He said he wanted me to get on with my life and surround myself with family and friends. I am trying my best but it is so hard sometimes especially on days like this.
I am meeting my daughter for a walk this afternoon and meeting a friend for a meal tonight who I haven’t seen properly for over 2 years because she has been ill and all the covid lockdowns. When she realised it was our anniversary she offered to change it til tomorrow but I said I would prefer to go out and have a good catch up with her rather than sit in the house by myself.
The hard part as we all know is always coming back to the empty lonely house xx


Celebrate your anniversary Barbara as your husband would have wanted. I’m 61 and lost my husband to a heart attack September 2021. We’d been happily married for 37 years. I don’t think there is a right or wrong way to grieve and have said the same to my family. My husband loved football and they went to a Man Utd match shortly after he died, with my blessing and we have celebrated family birthdays etc. It is hard but our husbands would want us to carry on as best we can. My daughter is getting married in May so that is keeping me busy too. I’m making her cake so practising hard. I go out when I get the opportunity as like you, despite having a dog, the house can be quite lonely when family and friends have gone home. Keeping busy for me is the best thing as not keen on the alternatives.


Enjoy your meal out, Barbara. Mark would have wanted you to same as Alf would for me. We will never stop crying and thinking of them but for our own sanity, we have to try and go forward. And I agree, it’s coming back to an empty house that’s so sad.
Take care


Yes I do think keeping busy does help but it’s just hard finding things to keep busy with sometimes. Although it is difficult you are right we do have to celebrate what we had even though we are so sad about everything we have lost xx

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Totally agree. I had a couple of bad weeks after new year poorly with a chest infection and not seeing anyone that when I was better I decided I had to do things. So arranged a couple of catch ups with friends and been making myself go out for a walk every day. It has helped although at the end of the day it does get very lonely xx

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Celebrate the best day of your life full of beautiful memories lv annie x

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