Wedding Anniversary

It has been 3 years and 1 month since my wonderful husband Doug died.
Today is our 46th Wedding Anniversary. What a different day weather wise today was compared on our wedding day. I remember it so well, beautiful warm sunny spring day. Doug’s brother our best man, was late, the tailor had given him the wrong trousers back. It was a mad rush to collect the right pair on the morning of our wedding. That still makes me smile. Looking through our wedding album today, we were so happy not a care in the world.

I still write a card for him, I still wear my wedding ring. He may have died but I will always be his wife until the day we meet again. I have no room in my life for anyone else.

Today I’ve kept myself busy, went swimming this morning as usual. After lunch went to the cinema to see the latest Ghostbusters, Doug loved the original films. I have been on and off buses all day, he was a PSV Driver, riding on the bus always makes me feel closer to him. Tonight I had his favorite meal chilli con carne.
I miss him so much, often just something small, heard or seen or said still reduces me to tears, remembering. I will never stop loving him and never stop missing him.
Happy 46th Wedding Anniversary :clinking_glasses::champagne: :revolving_hearts:my darling Doug.
Debbie xx


@Debbie57 Happy Anniversary
I understand exactly how you feel.
Last Friday, exactly 7 weeks after Roger died, was our 12th wedding anniversary, although we were actually together for 42 years. I really didn’t know what to do for the day, then remembered he had wanted to buy me a locket for Christmas, circumstances had meant he couldn’t. So on our Anniversary my Grandaughter went with me to buy a locket. Then we went for lunch. When I got home I sorted out a photo of each of us and fitted them in the locket. So now we go everywhere, together as we always did.
And I agree, I will always be his wife. We are still married and always will be.


Thank you, and Happy Anniversary to you too @Liro. I’m sorry for your loss. The locket is a lovely thing to do. I found my locket the other day with a photo of Doug from when we first went out. We have to hold onto those special memories.
Debbie xx

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Dear @Debbie57
Happy anniversary to you and Doug
What a handsome couple you were in your wedding with photo.
And I love all the tributes and cards to him on your sideboard.
I do the same for my husband .
Love , hugs and strength to you

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And happy anniversary to you too @Liro .
My husband died on August 24th 2022. One day before our 15th wedding anniversary.


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Thats must have been awful for you @Cathphil just one day before. I found it hard 6 weeks later. But then they say all the firsts are hard, my next first won’t be until September when it would’ve been Rogers birthday. I’m not looking forward to it


Thank you for your kind words @Cathphil. It must have been difficult losing your husband the day before your wedding anniversary.
Sending love
Debbie xx

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Dear @Liro and @Debbie57
Thank you for your very kind thoughts.
It was very hard. But I was ‘glad’ it wasn’t the same day , that would have been much worse.
Now and forever the 24th is Phil’s Day, and the 25th remains Our Day

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