Wedding Ring

Hello everyone,
Strange question, & you might think im being silly, but i lost my darling husband almost 6 months ago after a 7 month terminal illness. We had been married 38 happy years & together for 41. About 2 months after he passed, my wedding ring, which i had only ever taken off when my fingers were swollen in pregnancy, started to irritate me! It got so bad that i had to take it off which broke my heart all over again. I tried Savlon, Antibac cream, Itch cream & nothing worked. I could wear it again for a day or two, then itd start again. I went to a pharmacist to ask what i could do and he suggested hydrocortisone cream. This worked for longer, maybe a week but then it started again. Has anyone else had this. A lady on Insta had the same thing & she said its well known but ive never heard of it & its really upsetting me. Perhaps you could let me know if this has happened to you & if anything works.
Thank you x

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My mum suffers with this and has stopped wearing her ring when my Dad was alive. I’ve been thinking of ways to bring the ring back to life for her. She doesn’t wear a necklace so I’m thinking of framing the ring.

Maybe you are allergic to the metal or water has got underneath it?