Wedding Ring

Well said. My wife would have said the same but the end came so quick we never had the chance to have that conversation. Easier said than done though.


My husband wouldn’t even talk about him dying or do anything to get me ready since he died things have gone wrong .He didn’t help me to prepare at all I think he was hoping to go on


It isn’t easy, and I know circumstances are different for everyone. I know now she was preparing me. There is light at the end of the tunnel, not as bright but it’s there.


Pearsons66 .I lost my gorgeous beautiful late wife sue on 1st February last year.i can totally understand how it feels.i made sue a promise to carry on fighting for life and I’m trying to carry on fighting for life some days are better than others but this forum is a big help to me


Kay started off with bowel cancer, she actually beat the cancer but had horrendous complications, operations into double figures including a 9 hour theatre time one she wasnt expected to survive but she would have died within a few days, she survived and was applauded by all the nurses back onto the the ward, even nurses that had come across her on other wards were phoning her ward asking for updates, to cut it down, her last 2 years she spent over 18 months in hospital including a continuous stay of over 9 months, she lost both legs and was fed through a hicman line into a vein, specialist nurses to the house 3 times a day it looked like a hospital ward Thank you NHS. In hindsight I know she knew she hadn’t long left by little things she tried to do. My most beautiful memory! getting her sorted into bed climbing over the rails into her profiling bed and just cuddling her for 10 minutes and her calling me a soppy ******* We were true soulmates, I could carry on and on


Keep strong my friend- i do understand your journey.


Exactly that - keep going my friend.


I still wear my first late husbands wedding ring 29 years after he died. I think widows who take their wedding ring off are showing that they are available.


@Jan44 , hi I haven’t wore my wedding ring for years . It didn’t fit me . I didn’t want a new one ,and I didn’t want to change my original one . My husband wasn’t bothered about me not wearing a wedding ring ,even though he always wore his . We both knew we were happily married. My husband died two and a half years ago . But to me I am still married to him . I’m definitely not available . I’m not interested in finding a new partner. I still love my husband so much . I know we are all different in how we feel . But to me wearing a wedding ring isn’t important . Xtake carex


I feel i am still married and hope my husband is waiting for me. The next few years cant go quick enough. I wish i had never been born. A life of misery and then to lose the only person who was ever there for me. I used to hope i lived a long life but not now.


My heart goes out to you :mending_heart::mending_heart::mending_heart:Am still trying very hard to take it one day, sometimes one moment, at a time. The future either overwhlenes me or riddles me with anxious thoughts.


Sure your husband is waiting for you. But he would not have wanted you to give up or wish your life away. I am sure he would want you to enjoy your time left. You don’t have to forget the people we leave behind.


I’m sure he will wait for you .
I don’t want to be here anymore without my husband it’s very hard I just try and take one day at a time .
But it’s also hard to do that
Take care try and think what he would want you to do


I have that thought too . I no longer want to live a long life. Not without my husband . My future dies not hold the same feelings . He is everything and every where but no where.


Our daughter said to me today - mum , a ring is only a symbol you & dad were married nearly 50 years.

“They have only gone ahead” :heart:

G. X


Good morning all of you.
Im the same, life is just going through the motions. One thing I take solace from is that I’m not afraid of dying.
Dear @Avvy ofcourse he’s waiting for you.
Dear @Grandma , your post made me think about a song I have on a playlist I made for my husband. It’s by Will Dempsey, and called 'Beat you there’s
I’ll try and post the link , for anyone who might want to listen. It’s an emotional song.

Love strength and hugs to you all


Hopefully this is the link.

C. X


Cathphil good morning


I lost my wedding ring many years before my husband died but I wear a plain ring he bought me in place of it. I wear his ring around my neck. I have my late mother in law’s ring which my husband wanted to have resized for me one day which is what I still intend to do.
People do not understand that many of us will never want another person and still feel married or close to our loved one. I will always be married to my man and it makes me happy to continue to feel married to my husband.


Good morning everyone. I am so sorry that some of you are feeling so low; even to the point of not wanting a future. I wish I could post something to make you feel better but everything I try to write just sounds inappropriate and cliched. I loved Alan with all my heart and the house feels very empty without the old rocker in it but I know that my life is in front of me now and I have to live it. A few years ago he was very very ill with covid (4 months in hospital and rehab) and he had to be resuscitated once. At one stage they got to the point of not having any more treatment to offer and he had to find something within himself to fight it. Consequently he was a huge advocate for living life and valuing every moment. He would be devastated if I didn’t carry on in the same way. I also understand that many can’t imagine being with another partner. I know this is probably controversial but I can’t imagine not meeting someone else. I am probably in a very small minority in that! It would be different but that would be good. Life is short and precious. It will never be the same for any of us. Or what we expected. But I hope everyone can find some good in today as well as tomorrow and beyond. Much love x