Wedding without my dad

It’s been 7 weeks since I lost my dad suddenly to PE & DVT. I get married on July 6th and I’ve held out planning the last bits as much as I can because it’s too painful.
But I have to pick up my dress Tuesday as they’ve held it for too long. The one regret I have is I didn’t show my dad my dress. I wanted to stay traditional and not show him until the day. Now everytime I think about it I’m not excited to see it. It just reminds me that the most important person to me won’t see it.
My brother is amazing and will step in to everything my dad would’ve done.
But my heart breaks even thinking about it.
He looked forward to me getting married for so long and was so proud to get to walk me down the aisle
I don’t want to move the wedding because it gives my mum and family something to hold on to and regardless of when it is I know my dad won’t be there. But I don’t know why I’m so hung up over a dress
Has anyone lost someone so close to getting married?


Sorry for your loss i cant imagine how hard it most be to not have your dad to give you away at your wedding but i know he will be watching over you on your special day and be so proud of you. Perhaps your brother could do a special toast to him at reception.
Hope you have a good day and a long and happy marriage your dad would have wanted that for his little girl

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I understand and am so sorry for your loss. My dad passed in october 2021. I am getting married this sept. He never knew my plans as i was too late to make that decision, he was already gone. every time i think of the wedding i feel overwhelmed with sadness that my dad wont be there. Im trying to think how happy he would be and how proud…but its hard

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I’m 8 weeks into losing Dad to a short 4 month battle with cancer.
He was so excited when I got engaged 2 years ago. He got sick before he was diagnosed with stage 4 and we put of making any plans so he could enjoy the day. He was taken from us so quickly and so cruelly without any time to think. I now don’t want to get married without him there. He picked out his wedding outfit and wore it to my graduation the year after so I’m lucky to have photos of us together in his outfit. I am completely heartbroken in every way that he won’t be there. He would have loved it so much and would have been so proud. He never got to see either of his kids get married and he’ll never meet my children and that destroys me. I want to get married so my mum still enjoys the day but I just dont want to for me anymore. My relationship has dwindled since Dad left, I’ve lost who I used to be, changed so much, and I don’t want to face the agony of a day without my father by my side. Life is cruel.

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I agree that life is cruel. If we are lucky, we are brought up with love, security, comfort and protection. And if nature goes the way that it should, we will lose that in our lifetime. Life is a swindle, a con.

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