Weekends or Week Days?

Not sure why, but ever since childhood dislike Sundays with a passion - for no specific reason.

Of course, since J died, this has been amplified to the nth degree. I therefore try to ‘plan’ (I use that word loosely) visits for that day. I am also doing outdoor tasks on that day, such as stacking logs. Saturdays can be hit or miss, it can go either way.

During the week, it’s not ‘so’ bad. Mornings are usually ok for me, but the difficult times are late afternoon/early evenings, but that is beginning to improve a little.

I have never lived particularly close to family, and my friends are spread out, mostly overseas and 200 miles away, but work colleagues have been fantastic, and a couple of them pop round occasionally, but they understand that after an hour I’ve usually had enough.

Do you have any particular days or times that are more difficult than others?


Hi @OnlyMe2,
:thinking: Hmmm… For me I mostly just try to stay busy & distracted, but I suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, so have to manage my energy levels, so it’s inevitable that I have to stop & take time out sometimes. To be honest, I’ve never liked Sundays, my parents always insisted on Sunday dinner together, so now, with mom gone, it just emphasizes the “empty space” where mom should be, but I guess I feel it more at anniversaries, Christmas, & birthdays.
It’s a good idea to plan day trips, or walks for those days, it helps. Sending hugs of support.

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@Pandaprincess Agree about planning stuff for those days we dislike.
In the first few weeks (I am 6, almost 7 weeks in now), the late afternoon/early evening were awful
Strangely, the dark hours during the night haven’t been as bad as I was expecting.

It seems everything I was dreading the most have turned out to be now ‘quite’ as bad as I originally thought they would be (famous last words…!)

Best wishes to you

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It’s the dreaded Sunday. I thought I would have someone coming over today, but change of plans means it will be tomorrow (Monday), so this is going to be a long day…

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I share your dislike of Sundays. I think it goes back to the quietness of the day when I was a child, and my dread of school the next day! It is now also the day my wife died. She passed at just after 11pm on Sunday 25th August, but her death is recorded as being the following day as the doctor came at 2.15am and verified the death then. Sunday (the correct day) has been an awful anniversary since then. I tend to spend it alone, pottering about, crying at times, chatting to my wife Deb’s image in the photograph on our corner cabinet, and writing (or trying to write - it’s not an easy day for creativity) posts for a local history blog.

I prefer to be alone on this day. Then I have a bath and an early night so that the 11pm hour passes while I’m oblivious. My sleep pattern is weird since I lost Debs, but if I wake up later and want a cuppa or to watch a bit of telly, that’s fine. It’s the 11pm time I dread!

I had a lovely text from a good friend this morning, asking if they could pop in this afternoon, which was really thoughtful and I appreciate it hugely, but I knew it would just get on my nerves on this day. I think my Sunday formula is set for a while.

We all ‘cope’ (or try to) in different ways. I wish you comfort and strength - and send a big hug!