
Evenings suck! Sleep is my release…. When I can actually fall asleep that is some nights just can’t switch off x

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They sure do, especially these long lovely evenings when we would be sitting in the garden having a beer, listening to some music. Ive been having a few meltdowns in the evenings, im just so lonely. I need to find things to do!

I lost the love of my life my hubby on a Sunday also and i live through that morning every Sunday

I know its awful i hate sundays i lost my husband my best friend on a sunday life really sucks at moment its so hard this site makes you realise your not alone people are so kind sending you huggs and always here to talk xx

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Thank you i new to the group

Hi @Cathphil, So true. Never a quiet house when you have dogs that give you such a warm welcome, nothing like ‘doggy love’. I walk on tiptoe down the path in case my little man hears me as he starts barking his welcome. My girl is much quieter thank goodness. Like you I often wonder if I would have bothered to get out of bed if it hadn;t been for my babies. They took me out for walks and demanded their meals so I had no choice.

As for lonely weekends I decided to do something every week to keep me occupied and with a bag of food and drink I caught a bus (I do have a car but the dogs love a bus ride). We have a good network of buses and I would choose and area and go for a walk. It always made me feel much better and now I don’t need to do this as I have adapted.
P xx


Hi @Llewellyn im sorry for your loss, you will find support and love on this forum, it literally is a lifesaver xx

Dear @Pattidot
Thank you for your reply and understanding about dogs.
My two boys are Bichons. An 8 year old called Treacle who is still grieving for his Daddy and best buddy.
And a 1 year old Bobby. He came to us at 10 weeks old. He spent 12 days with my husband, Phil, before he died. But they had met before that too when we went to visit him at the breeders a couple of times to introduce Treacle.

Weekends are rubbish, whatever I try to do … And in some ways because I work full time, I need the extra grieving times? Does that make sense?

I don’t know. Nothing does really.
It’s all shit without our soulmates.

Hugs to you all :hugs::hugs::hugs:

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Its 18 months since I lost my husband to cancer and I find that the weekends are the worst, especially Sundays. We used to enjoy having some lunch out and then having a ride into country.


Hi @Moll
So sorry for the life you have been forced to live.
It’s horrible isn’t it. 10 months 5 days since I lost my darling.
Everything is bad, nothing us good.
I hate my life.

It’s good you found this forum.
I hope you can find some comfort from it.
I joined 8 months into this horrid existence.


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Hi :wave:. Yes im 4yrs on from losing my husband and i still dread weekends when i have nothing planned. I have a wonderful family and friends and really enjoy thier company when they are around.But if im alone at the weekend’s that’s when it really hits me how much i miss him. Just get this horrible feeling in my stomach a wave of sadness.Need to keep myself busy.

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