
Hi there
Anyone else find weekends very difficult? Especially when the weather is nice and everyone is out and about or in their gardens :pensive:


Sorry you are in this club. I have mixed feelings at weekends. Love them as don’t have to work and hold everything in and together I find that draining, also I can be with my dog all day but I hate Sundays as my partner died on a Sunday morning bike ride. They will never be the same.


Hi @Zen
Yes, weekends are horrendous, especially sunny ones, and back in May when we had 3 long ones, it was truly awful.
Many, many of us feel the same way.
If you search on here, you will find a few other conversations , where you can read alot of our thoughts and feelings, and you will know that you are most definitely not alone in hating weekends. Just search ‘weekends’ ‘another long weekend’ etc.

Truly sorry that you had to join our ‘shit’ club. ( That’s a name some of us referred to it as in other conversations)

Big hugs to you, and all of us struggling :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:


I also hate weekends as my husband died on a sunday the pain is unbearable sending huggs to you all


I hate weekends too. I feel it emphasises the loneliness. Sunday’s especially as my partner died on a Sunday evening.


I’m also someone that suffered a loss on a Sunday. I try to keep busy at the weekends but it’s not always possible. Sundays, if quiet, just tend to be a day of quiet & reflection. Hope everyone has a peaceful day today.


Thinking of you today


I too find every weekend hard and usually end up spending time alone in the house with my 2 cats. My husband died on a Saturday evening so it still makes Saturdays particularly difficult.


Yep sure do ? Crap innit ? And does anyone think of coming to visit in these long, lonely weekends ! Do they hell !!! Too busy thinking about number 1 …
Ive been chatting to my neighbours a bit … that helps xxx

I find arranging to meet up with friends helps, even if it’s just for a coffee at a local cafe - I’m not stuck indoors all day.


Mmm … none of my friends live near me unfortunately, moved out near countryside 6 years ago … but i do have people around here i chat to ! They have all done best to look after me as they know about my husband ! Would be nice if some family got off their backside but they havent done much since the funeral … my middle daughter been a few times and my son was good at beginning but hes too busy sulking now xx

Same here we all feel same then so lost and alone and if I go any where feel a lost part only people on here understands two years and it’s worse
Sending love hugs xx


I also lost my husband on a Sunday though the last time I saw him alive was on the Saturday before I went to work. Never thought I was coming home to find my husband gone. I find Monday’s hard as another week without the love of my life. Had a good scream this morning and a massive meltdown. My heart is so broken :broken_heart::disappointed_relieved:


Hi Ali
I thought about getting a dog My sis has a cockapoo such a joy. But i work full time and wldnt be fair leaving it at home…

I get it about feeling drained holding emotions in mine developed into throat anxiety i could hardly get my voice out!

Weekend nearly over sending hugs xx


Weekends are very hard! In the week I got school runs, work etc to distract me from my grief but weekends I hate, 15 months in and a lifetime to go!


I also hate Sundays, my hubby passed away on a sunday, so i relive that day hour by hour and try to keep busy. I have good friends who drag me and my doggy out for walks and or a coffee but the evenings are so long and lonely!

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I so get you. Don’t have the school runs (we weren’t blessed with kids), but my work , which is a full on job, distract me. And pass time. And my boss at work has been one of my saviours, and so understanding.

Weekends (and the times your forced to take owed holiday) are horrible, endless and such hard work!!!

10 months for me… sometimes feels like 10 minutes other times 10 years since I saw him , and we spoke to each other :sob::sob:

Our two dogs love it though. Me being at home with them. I know I’m lucky to have them, ensures the house isn’t as quiet as it would be without them. And they give me a purpose.:dog::dog:

Hugs to you :hugs::hugs:

You were replying at the same time as me.
Big hugs to you too :hugs::hugs:

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Thanks @Cathphil, big hugs to you too. Dogs are a lifesaver eh xxx

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They definitely are!!
I honestly think that some days and especially weekend days I might not have bothered getting up if it wasn’t for them jumping all over me, licking my face, and literally forcing me to get up!

And when I call in on them at lunch times from work for 10 mins (luckily I work close to home!), And when I come home at end of day…I am welcomed with love and doggie hugs :dog::dog::hugs::hugs:

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