well meaning friends

sorry to be downcast but i am a bit angry at the amount of people who are friends but turn every conversion into how they are or what they are going through and I feel as if I am just an after thought , probably human nature but I long for someone who , just right now, will give ME 100% of their time in what is the worst time of my life…about to lose my lovely mum.
Thanks for your time.


It’s no wonder you feel downcast Andy, it sounds like you have a lot going on for you at the moment.
I’m sorry to hear that you are about to lose your mum, you have come to the right place for support, people have been very supportive here so I hope you will come back and let us know how you are.
Best wishes.

Mum is battling on in hospital , her mind is great but her body weak ,am trying to get her in a care home but the wheels are turning slowly on that.
At the moment life is a torture for me as I keep wanting things to be as they were and wish I had said things or done things in a nicer way and at the moment the future seems so bleak and empty even though I have a job ,good friends and am so much better off then a lot of people , some times I am so glad when it is time for sleep as I have found a way to sleep by telling myself to be strong for mum.