What a year!?

On Feb this year my dearest friends died suddenly aged just 56…I still can’t get my head around it… I miss her so much…

Going forward to 5th of this month 5/7/22 I lost my mum… Mum was in so much pain had lost so much weight and didn’t have the strength to fight any more… I know its only been under 4 weeks but I still hide away and cry… And feel ashamed doing this… Everyone thinks I’m coping do well when I’m not…


Hi Shaz
So sorry for your pain, don’t feel ashamed of your grief it’s natural. Hiding away is instinctive because it’s hard to face people & have to acknowledge that what’s happened is real.
When my husband passed away it was a few months before lockdown & I didn’t have to go out then & pretend I was ok. I’m still finding it difficult all this time on.
Sharing your feelings is a good way of at least getting things out of your head, I’ve found this support group invaluable.
Take care :heart:X

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@Shaz so sorry for you losing 2 special people.
I lost my Mam 7 weeks ago, :cry: I’m absolutely shattered she was everything to me
Take one day at a time my lovely, or hour by hour. It’s Still early days for the both of us isn’t it
Try give yourself a break from grieving every day, even to have a little walk or watch a.film.
I still.myself don’t do anything apart from walk my dog, I sit at home all day. I was my mams full time carer aswell so really lost.
Always here for chats keep strong