What do I do now?

Hi looking for guidance on how to accept what my life is now … I can’t see any positive with anything in the last 4 years I watched my mum die after spending the last 5 years watching her suffer then took on my 15 year old (at the time) brother as he become homeless when my mum died
Then less than a year later my nana who ive always been extremely close with sat me down to tell me she has cancer then a year after I watched her die to then a year later I wave bye to my 16 year old son I watched from my bedroom window as he walked across the field an that was thee last time I saw him he died in an accident later that day


Dear @Vicky90

Welcome to the Community, I am sorry to hear of the loss of your mum, nana and son.

There is an amazing organisation called The Compassionate Friends they support bereaved families who have lost a child of any age. There is a helpline on 0345 123 2304 and is available from 10am - 4pm and 7pm - 10pm. Your call will be answered by a bereaved parent. They have an information leaflet called My Child Has Died that will be of support and help to you.

There is a Grief Guide that contains information to help you understand and cope with your bereavement and grief along with discovering new ways to cope.

Cruse Bereavement have a helpline also if you need someone to talk to and there number is 0808 808 1677 alternatively you can use their CruseChat which is available Monday - Friday 9am - 9pm.

You are not alone, please to continue to reach out, we are all here for you. If you need further information, please email online.community@suerydercare.org.

Take care.


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Vicky 90

I am so so sorry for your loss
I thought loosing my husband and mum within a year of each other was bad enough
Life can be so cruel

You get angry
Why me
Have you not suffered enough !!

Please use the help that is out there to support you at this difficult time
Come on this site and share your feelings
It might just give you the strength to get through the day
Sending my love

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those are big losses in that case you have to be extra good to yourself how you would treat a friend who had experienced this.

you obviously are a good person … value your value to the world.
all you can do. :gift_heart: