What to say?

My husband died 4 months ago and my world has crashed. I dread people asking me ‘How are you?’ I never know what to say. If they’re my family or close friends they know how I am feeling and if they’re acquaintances, I generally say I’m sad and burst into tears. That makes us all even more uncomfortable! I’ve tried saying I’m okay but it feels false because I’m not. What do you think?


I LOATHE being asked “how are you?”! My stock answer at the moment is “taking things one day at a time”. But i dont ever pretend im ok, i feel thats more to make the other person more comfortable. :heart:


My stock reply is I’m working on it


Thanks for that - both great suggestions . I agree that okay just makes the other person feel comfortable to move away from the topic. Ideally I’d prefer never having to talk to anyone outside of my close friends and family but life’s not like that. xx

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I usually say how I feel I’m not so great today and it feels like I’m on a rollercoaster I can’t get off… but thankyou for asking .
It’s best to be honest about your feelings x