Whats the point

Lost my husband on the 2nd jan.he went into hospital on the 14th sept with gvhd after a bone marriw transplant and never came home. Most of the paperwork stuff is done so things have slowed down, and now the reality is sinking in. When i go food shopping all i think about is whats the point ,dont bother looking at new clothes because im not going out anymore, dont listen to music because i dont get joy out of,dont clean the house nobody to do it for,its a house now and not a home…weekends are the worst


Hi sorry for your loss. It’s good you’ve found the courage to write how you’re feeling. There’s lots of great people on here that have and are going through exactly the same thing and all have some great advice.
It’s still really early for you and everything you’re feeling is normal so don’t worry you’re not going mad. I’m 9 months in since losing my wife and went through exactly the same it’s still hard to do those things but it does get easier. Take your time there’s no rush and when you’re ready do one of the things you will feel proud and emotional that you did it.

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Yeh weekends are hard arent they ? But i like to listen to music on my phone. Helps me relax and if i cant sleep at night just put it on xx

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From the part in your post when I go shopping I could have written the rest myself . Identical thoughts and feelings. I’m 6 months into my loss and it is heart breaking isn’t it.

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