When family aren't there for you

Oh Sheila if I am having a bad day I can always rely on you to make me laugh :rofl::rofl: it’s the way you write it. I am desperate to know if your son has been to check his car out after the storm. It’s like a soap opera and I can’t wait for the next installment :joy:
V x

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Sheila is this even Sue Ryder? You could be posting on a swingers forum. :rofl:

I love you Sheila :heart_eyes: so funny.
You said your eldest son is condescending, arrogant and obnoxious I am sure he was my first husband :rofl::rofl:


Sheila and Vanda you have me laughing again, better than any medication, (not that I take any). Let us know if your son responds to your e-mail. Yes, I agree, better than any soap. Perhaps we should start a Conversation where we can just chat about anything and not get our hands slapped for going off course a bit. I love these ‘chats’ with my friends. Thanks for cheering me up, now I will go and get my tea. Oh dear have I done it again!!!
Happy chatting to you all Pat xxx

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Exactly Pat, anything that lightens the mood can’t be bad can it, If it’s the correct topic or not :roll_eyes: at the end of the day we are all on here for the same reason, to support eachother and chat to new friends who get us through the day :kissing_heart:

Agree with you both. A little lightheartedness goes a long way. We are in this heartbreak for a long time and it doesn’t hurt to have a laugh at times. It shows that it’s still possible even if were crying a few minutes later.
Sheila you must keep us up to date with the saga of your son’s, what would they say if they knew that we are all so interested in them. Now I must go and get my tea…
Pat xxx


I am so sorry about your family. I read about the son who lived with you and basically that is my brother and my nephew they lived with my mum and totally sponged off her. When she got ill I did everything for her and they made my life a living hell and now after they messed me about over the funeral they stole my last possessions of my dad off my uncle using a mate of theirs with handcuffs and a weapon when my uncle went to the police they threatened me. Then they tried to get my cousins wife and her son charged because they only tried to tell them off at their behaviour. It has been an absolute nightmare. I haven’t been on for a wee whlle because I have been crying a lot and feeling so lost I have absolutely nobody (except an odd phone call and text from my cousins wife and phone calls from my uncle). I have no friends outside work and very little support at all. Had to take a week off work because I was so upset at their latest antics. I am getting a little depressed and wondering why and how I can go on. Dont get me wrong I dont want to commit suicide its just that I have nothing left in the life I have. I dont know how to go on. And am also worried because nephew and brother know where I live and where my car is and they are so very nasty. Actually the words my cousins wife and uncle have used is evil and vile. I just need something good to happen to me it has been so long since I had something good happen to me.
Myself I would love to get a dog but my wee flat just isn’t suitable for a dog. And I would love to have more friends but it is so hard to make new ones when you are in hell. Yes you can put it aside during the COVID walks and have a wee chat sometimes but it goes nowhere I need a real friend who cares about me the way I have been for loads and loads of people in the past. I used to be outgoing and bubbly but between the number of bereavements that I have been through and the bullying at work, bad shifts and my own chronic illness and housing issues and on top of that nasty relatives making my life worse. I just don’t know where to go from here right now. Sorry having a bad time lately. and this is really the only place I have to go and talk but it was too much for me as usually I end up trying to help others and that makes me feel a bit beta but I got so low just couldn’t cope with doing that lately.

Good for you Shelia,
This is terrible them taking such advantage. I wish my Mum had laid down the law with my brother and nephew and said no. They sponged from her for years and didn’t look after her properly at the end and had me pushed out after they found out she was dying. It broke my heart. Now my aunt has suddenly phoned my uncle to say that it was me not looking after my mum and they were wonderful. My uncle told her that that was not the case and she should know better basically he gave her an earful. But now my brother and nephew are trying to turn the family against me with their lies. All anyone had to do was ask her carers (who were appalled with my brother and nephew) and the hospice which I took her too for day treatments who looked after her. Lately I too have been thinking bad thoughts about them and wished it was them that wasn’t around. I dont mean to be nasty I dont want anything bad to happen to them its just I wonder if they had never been here in the first place how much better my mum’s life would have been. All the sacrifices she made for them, monetary friendships and pushing me and dad aside to help them out. I jiust think that she would have been happier and she might still be here if it was me who was looking after her. I did look after her for 12 hr days taking time off work and then I sorted and paid for her room, they just created more work for me and I had to take them on too. However now mum is gone they are using her facebook account to make out that it was the other way round and the family who dont live locally and witnessed what happened have all stopped talking to me. Nightmare.
Sorry ended up venting about my own stuff. But well done you. Hopefully they will come back with an apology. yes they needed help in the begining to get back on their feet but then they just took advantage. I think you need to send them both a card and remind them that support goes both ways and sometimes you need support too.