When people ask “ how are you?”

Hello Christine I’m glad that you liked the poem I wrote it specifically for you in the hope that it may help you find something inside to move forward. Yes? please?print it for the future to help you if you feel really low
Not to forget your grief but to hopefully give you something to aim for ?

I dont have any ideas if my words are really hping people, but it would be nice if I was?
I enjoy doing Santa, but sometimes the tears roll, because of some things I hear and see

.my youngest visitor to my grotto has been 8 days old and the oldest 56.
That person only had a mental age of 7
My education has taught me about some mental illnesses and how a persons growth can stop, because of damage to the brain , or a failure to grow.?
I will know after the first practice how things will suit me with the new choir?
But I dont know if the rotary singers will reform, so I have to wait and see
They only do concerts for groups supporting people with dementia, as they can sing along and even dance??
I went to the armed forces and veterans breakfast club , this morning . We are all ex forces and stick together, its nor for non veterans, as they cant understand us , or a lot of what we say
Chritine take care and do things in your own time
Hugs Keith the poet xx

Hi Keith
I’ve printed of your lovely poem and put it in a frame next to my smiling hubby.
I’m sure that it will help me in my sadder moments.
Thank you again
I hope your new choir works out and your grotto brings you joy.
Dementia is very cruel, a friend has had early onset for the past 3 years, he no longer recognises his wife or family its so tragic for everyone.
Your work sounds very worth while and I wish you well with it
Take care
Christine xx

Hi Christine I’m glad that my poem will be used to help you in times?of need …its?unique to you and Peter as I wrote it while replying to your message. Thanks for your mind wishes for the new choir.
I am still a member of 2 others, but the choral choir I wont be attending again this year as it will interfere with my grotto shifts?
Yes dementia is a horrible thing , which nobody wants . I have met many people during my voluntary work who have had forms of dementia.
I have a couple of friends who have parkinsons, 1 of them is in a care home and don’t know about covid19. All he thinks is that bec6people aren’t visiting him they have died?

I am doing my voluntary work because I’m interested in mental health issues. If I had finished my degree, my dissertation would have been about dementia from the carers side.
As then very little research had been done from that angle
It also gets me out of my home more? And helps me meet more people?

Take care and try to enjoy the sunshine
I’m sending you a hug to keep you safe
Keith xx

Hi im so sorry for your loss I know how lost and sad you feel . Yes I feel the same when asked how I am ,but if a person regularly asks I tell them . I have found it alot easier to do this by text . You can say how you feel without the feeling of being judged .I hope this helps you

Hi Sara thanks for your kind message . You may believe that you know how?I and others feel, but sadly there’s no 1 size fits all with grief and loneliness.
The only sure thing about grief is that it affects us all and hurts like hell?
Now if someone asks how I’m feeling I simply tell them what they want to hear?
Many Sony know I’m bereaved because I still wear my wedding , as many other bereaved people do. Like me they use their love for the departed to give them strength to carry on and move on in their new journey on their own?

SARA please take care and stay safe
Mr chipps

I hope thatyou are not calling me a liar, because that something I’m not and never will be?
When people simply Skhow I am I just tell them how I’m feeling or
How things are in my life
Its all downto yours and their interpretation, they may simply be asking how you are generally.
But not even know if you are bereaved?
It’s not something I openly mention if I dont know them . Sometimes people are not telling lies, they’re just answering the question in a?roundabout way . I hate people who tell me they are sorry when death and bereavement is mentioned?
But I never do ; because to me you should only apologise if you have something wrong
If I hear of a someone mention death I will say that I’m sad , which is true but in your eyes when someone says they are sorry when they hear of a death, in your eyes they’re liars ???

Mr Chipps,
Would it not be easier to tell them, when they ask how you are… “best we skip that question” that way you don’t need to tell them anything and saves you having to pretend your OK…
Anyone that gives a damn that knows you will push for a proper answer… And the fake ppl that just ask for the sake of asking can show a sign of relief and do a runner.

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Anyone who knows me will simply ask how i am ,because of the amount of time that i have been widowed , so for me its not a big problem. you see after all this time i rarely mention my marital status. when i am out i am always ok , its when i am at home ,that i am lonely and feel the hurt as other bereaved people do?? i can spot the fakes, finally like most bereaved people i know, i still wear my wedding ring. so this hides the fact, that i am widowed

but on a happier note i have been asked if i will work as Santa in a local grotto in the towns main shopping centre. where i live in South Yorkshire
peace and love i send everyone , with a big smile x