Where did this anger come from?

I lost the love of my life Anne 21 months ago. We were married 50yrs. (Yesterday I had my second Covid jab.) For some reason during that evening I felt the need for a drink - but I couldn’t stop! OMG! So much anger poored out of me. I’ve never felt anger before since Annes passing? My mind went through the upsetting times in our long relationship which everybody has but on this occasion they were magnified ten fold and how I was now the innocent party. How I was hard done by even though in truth I wasn’t. Then I cursed God or what ever controls life and gave that both barrels. Until now during my journey of grief I’ve done nothing but mourn my darling along with anxiety attacks, many tears and depression. I worshipped the ground my Anne walked upon. I love her with all my heart and soul. Now this morning I feel so guilty at my last nights personality change. I was an evil man. Just where had this anger come from?


Hello @James71. So sorry for the loss of your lovely wife Anne. What you are going through is completely normal during grief. We all go through it in different ways and at different times. Anger is a way of releasing these perplexing feelings. We feel lost, abandoned, afraid etc. and it all has to come out before we can heal.
Just grieve however you need to as keeping it bottled up all this time is an almost impossible task.
Keep posting on here if you need to as there is always a listening ear.
Love and light. x

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Hi Sheila
You are so right
I also have some anger lurking inside me
I am angry because I am alone
Angry that Jack isn’t here to see so many things that have happened since he died
I am angry that I feel lonely
I am angry because my life is so empty
So James - nothing wrong in feeling angry as long as the anger doesn’t eat you up
Take care
Sadie x

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the most precious thing in our lives was taken brutally away from us, how can we not be angry? That’s just the proof of our deep love. Knowing my 14yo daughter will be stripped off the company of the best mom and her best friend broke my heart. She was so close to her. Better god doesn’t exist; or else what he’d done to all of us was horrendous.


I think God exists - however we all die, we all suffer
Your wife death is not punishment,!
So sorry for your 14 year old daughter, it is a lot to cope at her age
Take care