Where do we find strength?

Below is a Facebook post from a year ago as I reflected on friendships after losing my husband 6 months before. I’m sharing with you and now 18months on, I’m still riding my emotional rollercoaster but my words are as true today as it was last year. In this year I’ve made amazing new friends and had the support of friends who really understand my way of dealing with life after loss. I can recall many posts here that spoke about this situation so I hope my words, which as as relevant today, helps you.

‘Some people like to live life as a drama, even joining in with another’s. Just so they know, I’m not living a drama, I’m living the life I have been given. It’s a healthy one, in body and mind. I am a strong woman, always have been. Those who know me won’t be surprised, those who are getting to know me, don’t worry about me, I hope I inspire you to face the most difficult challenges life can give you. Within you, you will find your inner strength’


thank you - this is encouraging

It’s a real coincidence that I have just seen your post. Not 5 mins since I stood in the lounge looking at my husbands order of service. I told him that I am not going to give up, that we loved each other and that we had plans for our future. I am going to do this, it’s not going to make me crumble I will go forward with my life and make it as good as it can possibly be all the while I am living I am taking my husband with me to n my heart. Lost my husband 4weeks age to sudden death, no warning no symptoms. Been together since I was 18. Forty years of my life. I was blessed to know such a wonderful man.