Where we used to go

My husband’s funeral was two weeks ago, so not an easy day.
I decided to go somewhere we used to go.

Such a strange feeling and difficult experience to be there.

I know I’m stating the obvious but it was so different.

Not the same feeling, comfort or familiarity.

Where we used to have our ‘roles and routine’ and today it was just me.

I thought it would not be as it was but I didn’t expect such separation and distance from how we used to feel there.


I felt like this today, lost my partner 4th December and he always picked me
Up from work, I came home from work today on the bus and started crying on the bus out of nowhere as the bus passed the cinema we used to go to, the loss and loneliness without him, now I make my own way to and from work without him bringing me a coffee and listening to me ranting on, it’s very strange without him and I absolutely hate it!!! So definitely know how you feel :disappointed::disappointed::disappointed:


It is so difficult and different isn’t it . The routines, habits, roles that were so familiar and part of our lives don’t have a part of our lives as they used to. I really missed him and our way of doing things today.
I came home and cried.

Take care, sending a virtual hug.


A kind friend took me to the beach a couple of weeks ago and we walked around the cliffs together. A place my husband and I went regularly, ever since we moved here 40 years ago. The beach we took our kids to when they were young. It was heart wrenching but I’m so grateful that she thought of it and kept me company.


That must have been very emotional. So glad you had company x


Yes it is good to have someone there at such times.


I had to take my car up the road for a short drive as my car wouldnt start so breakdown man said it was because i hardly use my car now as i dont want to go out anywhere because everywhere i go has memories of when i was happy and we were together. I was in tears on the way home from my short drive as the road was one we used to take to go on our lovely holidays. Im so sad :,(


Yes I get that. I get same.


I cannot go to where we quite often went for a mug of tea.
He died very close to there.

Rose x

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I am getting used to going out in the car to the next village. But still don’t feel comfortable going very far.

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Yes I have only gone about 3 miles at the most

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I love going to places where I went with my husband I miss him but accept he is at rest now and enjoy thinking of all everything we experienced good and bad Death is part of life and will come to us all

Just hold on to the fact had a beautiful relationship with your partner that was of of great benefit to you both

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I thought it was only me ,my car hardly moves I just go for very early morning drives when nobody’s around to keep it running but I don’t want to go out at all really.

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I have made myself go to places we used to share. It’s hard, particularly the first time, but so far I have found comfort in it. I think the key is to make a slightly new routine around places so that the whole visit isn’t sad. It is so tough though. Hugs all xx

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Yes you get used to it in the end.
Think of that quote about there is a time for everything.

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