Who would have believed it?...

I cant believe that four years on 11th April the day I was sitting facing the Neurologist Consultant and Richard sitting behind me on his char, when the Consultant told me those words of " sorry to have to tell you but you have Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis " i heard Richards voice behind me saying " oh no…" Then my voice asking the Neurologist " am I going to die…"

Well this was four years ago, i am still here but Richard isn’t, yes it was he who passed away on 11th April…yes exactly four years to the day of my diagnoses…


Hello Jackie, I understand what you are saying, I really do. I never thought my Husband would fall victim to a heart issue. Outwardly he was as fit as someone half his age. The Funeral Director said he looked young for “his age”. What a tactless thing to say, it didn’t go down well I can tell you. My husband would often say, " live a good life, live a long life". It didn’t happen like that. He loved His TV and I’d think, he didn’t even make it to an age to get free TV license. I recently got an overwhelming feeling of wanting to tell him that he wouldn’t even qualify for one now - his daft is that! I think of you often Jackie and wish I could send you some positive words but I do send you love and hope each of us, and everyone, finds the elusive serenity and peace we hope for. Keep going Jackie. x

…I see you lost your darling hubby similar to how I lost my Richard… I cant shake of this depression…OK one minute then gone to pieces the next, not one day has gone without me crying…

My Richard was 74 but never saw himself as old, yet he was your typical old fashioned type of person…this is-was what I loved about him…

I know we have to accept our hubbies-partners are gone and we have to continue with our lives, what is left of them…we still have things-solicitor business to sort out and then maybe a move…Even the thought of a move without stepping into the front door together is making me cry…We have stepped into two homes together, I just cant bare the thought that after 20 years he is not in my life anymore…20 years and it is all over…Richard and three dogs, all gone, why is it only me still here?..


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