Why bother

Posted on here, nobody, apart from one reply, shows how alone I get, can’t even get a reply on here.
Take care all.

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Oh @PeteE59, don’t take the silence to heart. Sometimes people dip in and out of the online pages. It sounds like you are having a hard time. Please don’t feel like you are alone.

@PeteE59 hi Pete as adelou said please don’t take it to heart. People do dip in and out and sometimes replies come in later. You are not alone we are here for you. You can message me anytime. We are all in pain and suffering this heartbreak of grief and sometimes we don’t have the strength for much but please don’t think no one cares because we do. This community is so very supportive and caring. I have received More support and kindness here than anywhere else. Stay safe and take care sending you a hug

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Hi Pete, sometimes I don’t look on here at night as that’s when I feel at my worst and if I do look on here I can’t sleep.
I tend to sleep slightly better when I watch TV or have a read before sleep.
We are the same as you, lost, alone, scared, vulnerable, don’t know which way to turn.
I went out for a meal with friends last night, it was enjoyable at the time, but when I returned home my extreme loneliness was magnified. (Apart from my gorgeous little cat who is a great companion)
The conversation got on to Christmas and what everyone was doing for Christmas.
Our Christmases will never, ever, be the same. All I’m wanting for Christmas is for it to be over, I keep telling myself it’s just a day.
I do honestly understand how alone you feel but please know that you are not alone.
Sorry I haven’t replied until now xx

Same as all the other comments, we all share and totally understand your loneliness . I lost my beautiful wife more than 2 years ago and miss her every minute of every day. She was my whole world… and some. As time goes by it gets ever so slightly less painful but it is without doubt the hardest and worst thing that can happen to you. I am only 60 now but can’t wait to be with her again … my one and only love of 40 years.
Keep checking in on here Pete as EVERYONE on here is in the same boat and we know your pain mate. Take care.

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Thank you, everyone, Friday nights are the worst, I do sound so self absorbed, I have granddaughter, calling and staying tonight, great company, even if a energetic 4 year old wears you out. Again thank you so much.
Take care x