Why can’t I be normal?

We lost my father three weeks ago and although we knew that his illness was terminal - the deterioration in the last couple of weeks was very quick. His passing was peaceful and as he had wanted, at home , with us.
Things have been busy sorting out all the arrangements that have to be sorted - but the funeral is still three weeks away.
For the past couple of days I have felt an overwhelming sadness, I am extremely tearful and just feel sad. People are asking how I am and all I can say is sad. I feel that I should be getting back to some sort of normal (returning to work / doing everyday things etc), but I just can’t. How do I ??? What will people at work think if I don’t return right now? How is everyone around me (not family but people generally) just carrying on with life?


I am so sorry to hear that you have lost your Dad. You do not have to get back to normal. You are grieving and it’s ok .Please be kind to yourself.People you meet are carrying grief of their own ,they are just at a different stage. I have found that if I open up to people they are always understanding.I hope you find some help on this forum.


Dee your grieving no time limits lv annie x

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Chances are they aren’t!! There is no such thing as normal & people hide a lot !! Xxx I’m sure many are not capable of returning to work, poss for a long time, partly depends on their role .


Hi Dee
I too lost my Dad just over 3 weeks ago.
There is no time limit on grief or even how you should be feeling .
Do not be hard on yourself you need to go through the motions of grief in your own way.
It took me 3 years to go through the grieving process when I lost my Mum .
Take 1 day at a time and there is no normal when we are grieving . X

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Hiya sazza grieve hits in all different ways so you care annie x