Why do people have to be so cruel

Recently moved from the home I shared with my husband for 20years my brother now lives there. He was moving stuff in and my old neighbour came out and said to him and I quote "we was glad when jim died we had a celebration un quote. Why do people have to be so nasty it was so uncalled for. We used to help her out I even lent her money once “which I never got back” .

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What an awful thing to say. Hope you have nicer neighbours at your new home x


Thank you Barbara yes I do they’re so kind x


Misprint, that person ain’t right in the head saying that. You lent them money and they never owed it back, says it all really what kind of people they are.
Al the best in your new home.
Amy xx


What a horrible thing to say and so unnecessary. I wish people would think before they speak if can be so hurtful.
I hope you and your mum are feeling better after covid.
Sending love
Debbie x


What an absolutely horrible comment to make and it speaks volumes about the kind of person your ex neighbour is!! I’m pleased that your new neighbours are much nicer.

Julie x


Thank you all for your nice comments. Sadly there is some rotten people in this world let’s hope the next place is better. I was always told if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all even her own kids won’t have anything to do with her.

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