Why does God put us through so much pain

Having lost my husband last year. My sister in law this year. Now mums very poorly thinks it’s cancer. If there is a god he must really hate me I just cannot go through any more pain I only have mum if I lose her don’t think I can carry on anymore. I moved in with her so we would be company for each other I’m only been here 1 month now its all go tits up. I feel total devastated and lost.


Dear @Misprint, I am so sorry you have yet more suffering. I’m sure the church would find some answers to your question but I’m not sure I can. At least you’ll be there to care for your mum and I know you will do your best. You are strong @Misprint - never forget that. Sending love and strength xx


I don’t know why God picks on us, like @Crazy_Kate says the Church will answer your questions.
At times it feels theres no end to daily pain we are in, its so bloody hard getting up and carrying on. Try not to think the worse scenario for your Mum, she is still here and she will get treatment and she will be able to share new memories with you.
Amy x


Misprint my Mum was ultra religious, attending church every week even though she wasn’t really fit for it. She prayed & prayed that her heart op in July would go ok but it went wrong and she died 5 weeks later. I have no faith in God anymore after that, basically an atheist now.


Unfortunately, as adults we know & face the inevitable but choose to ignore or bury our heads until “it” happens.
God doesn’t have a particular axe to grind with any one person or family - - it’s just the way of things.

Sadly, we have to be realistic .
Accept that their work on earth was done but if they are in your head and heart - they are never far away.

G. X


Hi Misprint, I’m soo sorry for the difficult time you are going through. Anything I say is said with a kind heart, you are not alone, although at times I’m sure you feel you are. Like you I have lost loved ones over the past two years. Firstly my mother two years ago whom I nursed for three years. I lost my younger brother quite suddenly on Christmas day, devastated. My beloved dog also passed away, she was my soulmate, I’m a single lady and live alone. To top it all of my dad and my remaining siblings have recently turned their back on me because my mother left anything of value to me in her will. Yes, I also question if God has a heart. We can take solace and comfort from this forum, were all in this together and can be of great support to one and other. I don’t want to be “strong” I want to be me and hopefully in being me I can be kind. Thinking of you Misprint, lots of love, Joan.


at least be glad you can be very close to your mother at this time.

that is a blessing, for her especially.

I am sorry for your losses.


God needed another angel, and he only picks the best. that’s what I tell myself. I don’t know if I really believe it, but it gives me some comfort.


unfortunately its a fact of life,at some point we have to try and deal with it,some of us take longer than others,Grief plays with your mind ,ok one minute ,and you fall apart the next,try and keep your family,your friends around you,or chat on here,someone will always listen
take care

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Don’t give me anything about God.

My Mandy was the most sweetest person I ever knew , she wouldn’t hurt an animal ever, loved nature and the planet .

So this so called God gave her a horrific cancer that took her from her amazing life , from me , her son and all her family and friends .

Dont tell me this is just his work . Utter rubbish , if this is God I can’t ever understand it , I don’t believe in it or a God we just “want” to believe it .


Sadly, It is a fact of life - always has been & always will be.

G. X

Another phrase I came across tonight -

“It is as natural to die as it is to be born.”

Can’t argue with that!

G. X

Oh Misprint I really feel for you. Life can be so hard and difficult and cruel. I’m not sure if you do believe in any sort of God, if you do it will be a great test of your faith which is what I think belief is all about. I can only hope that you and your mum come through this. I’m rooting for you both. Please send positive thoughts my way. I’m coming up to the first anniversary of my husband’s death on 10th November. He had a really aggressive cancer which took every bit of him.

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Thks 10th November would have been my husband’s birthday :disappointed_relieved:

I used to believe in a God - the Fates - that if you did the right thing, everything would be OK. Then my darling gorgeous sweetest Sharon was diagnosed with Stage 4 incurable inoperable pancreatic and liver cancer.
She refused to go for almost 3 years, but the c*** killed her anyway.
There is no God.


It’s not a case of believing or not believing in God. It’s not “god’s way” it’s the circle of life sadly.

I’ve never met anyone or anything that has been around for ever. Correct me if I’m wrong.

My feelings of sadness are no different to anyone else on here -
But i’m dealing with my situation the best I can.
Anger & self pity isn’t going to change things.

G. X


Well Said
take care


Well put Grandma.
I was once told that God doesn’t cause all our pain, it’s caused my Man himself. Think about it…


my sentiments exactly,But if someone needs to rant and but blame on someone or something i’m not here to judge, I would rather listen
take care

I’m so glad this forum is here. We are all dealing with grief on our own ways but it is good to share with others and everyone’s views and where they are presently with their grief should be respected. I know that in our present physical forms we are not here forever however I gather a lot of comfort from knowing that the circle of life means that we never go away. Yes we live on in peoples memories and their love for us but we also live on through the atoms, molecules, carbon etc that forms part of our soil, water and atmosphere and atoms also form part of space and the stars. I like to think that my husband is still with me and all of us in this way.

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