Hello Caz…
I lost my husband 8 months ago and my heart goes out to you. That ‘I just want him back’ feeling is completely overwhelming. I too feel lost. I have friends and family, but they can never replace what we had together, and they can never truly understand…
When you put on a brave face, people presume that you are in some way ‘feeling a bit better’.
They have no idea, and I wouldn’t want them to.
It is brutal
I have just had a good cry, and then reached out here as there is always someone who understands what you are going through.
It does help…
Take care
you are not alone in how you are feeling…
Hi I do know how you feel. The emptiness is terrible
I’m now rocking in his Charlie e waiting for tiredness to hit
I’ve walked 10 miles today in the hope that I sleep
Hope your ok
x x x
I too have taken up walking, and also swimming .
The swimming calms me down…the walking helps to unravel thoughts and feelings…
Like you, life has changed beyond belief, and I know how you feel too…
Keep posting and checking in on here, especially in the really low times…it does help to know that others understand the pain that you are in…xx
Yes it does help I walked 11 miles today with a walking group
They are a great bunch of people , all with different problems
It’s good to get out and talking I just hate the loneliness at night I miss my grandkids My daughter fell out with me nearly 3 weeks ago I don’t think she knows how much the kids kept me going
I just need to wait till she deals with her grief then maybe we can get back to how we used to be x x