Why is sleep so hard?

Mum passed way in November, I stayed with her through end of life and became tuned in to her breathing and every noise.
Since then I go to bed exhausted, but as soon as I close my eyes my mind wakes up! unless I take a sleeping tablet, even then it still takes a long time, or I have a few drinks! Neither of these solutions are good long term, anyone have any good tips?

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Hi, Daisy, I am so sorry about your mum. For me it’s because you are alone with your thoughts, I can’t offer any help I’m afraid, but you’re not alone. I need background noise myself, a gentle hum sound, that sort of thing, but I said, I am not sleeping, so probably best just ignore me.

Look after yourself, xx


Daisy, I am surely sorry that your mom died. It is horrible to lose mom. There are 1,000 reasons you can’t sleep. Are you getting 4 hours? 5? If so, you are fine.

Don’t worry. Stay awake until you can’t. You will sleep eventually.

It is most possible that while you were caring for your mom, your brain was wired to stay alert, still is, as It hasn’t adjusted yet. It is also a universal issue with widows and widowers and really any whom has lost a love one in the last year or 2.

No caffeine or sweets after 7p. When 1 am rolls around, turn the house lights off, eliminate sounds, no tv, phone, laptop, nook, ipad. Drink a glass of warm, lactose-free, whole milk on the way to bed and read a real book from the light of an incandescent bulb.

The worst that can happen is you stay awake and read whole book. Either way, it is a win.

We will all sleep again. At 17 weeks, I am 5 hours at night and then a 2 hour nap in the late afternoon - started at 4 hours per 24 hour cycle. It takes time.

Much love


Hi @Daisy25 I’m sorry for the loss of your Mum. I too had difficulty sleeping but I get some sleep now with white noise on the Alexa and a fan on. The noise sends me off to sleep eventually

I hope you get some sleep soon. It can impact us in so many ways when we don’t achieve it. Sending love.

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I too had trouble sleeping for a few weeks after my beloved husband, the doctors given me sleeping tablets and antidepressants

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