Widow Meetups in Brighton/Sussex area

Hi, I live in Brighton, East Sussex, which is a big city, but I have not been able to find any widow meetup groups. I would really like to meet up with people who know how hard it is to deal with grief and living a totally new life that can be very lonely at times.

Hello, I am sorry you have not found any bereavement groups, they will be there. I live a small rural village and we have two. One run by the local church and the other meet at the local pub. Both are advised on our village Facebook and occasionally in a free booklet. The local library is another place you may be lucky with but they will be there.There also a web site and did make that may help, just keep looking and I hope someone locally may come forward.
Pleased you have found us and we are always here for you. S xx


Hi Shelley,
I’ve just joined this group.
I know its some time since you wrote this message.
I’ve been looking for groups/people in my area (brighton) to meet up but no success.
We could meet up for coffee and who knows, maybe a group will start up from that : )

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Hi Jacky, Thank you for your reply. Its really hard to find other widows in Brighton ! Are you on Facebook ? just feels a bit strange putting my phone number on here. Maybe we could mee for a coffee. Shelley

Hi to you both. I have received a message because way back I answered Shelleyj post. I am no longer volunteering on the site.
You can send private messages by clicking on the name but they can viewed by admin but not other site users. Hope this is useful and it would be lovely if you could meet up and help each other. Just being able to talk about our loved ones is excellent and extremely helpful. Wishing you both a happy future.

Hi, I live in Brighton and have been looking for something similar. I wonder if you have found any groups? I know this post is a while ago.

Hi Sandr
Nice to hear from you
I have met another lady in a similar situation and we’re looking into starting up a group in brighton.
It would be good to arrange a meet up if you’re interested
Jacky :sunflower:


That sounds wonderful Jacky. Should we exchange numbers here to arrange?

I live in Brighton, do you?

Thank you for this reply.


Yes I live in brighton : )
If you give me your no
Ill be in touch soon to arrange meet up

Great, it’s

Hi, I’m recently widowed and live in Brighton, it would be lovely to find a local support group, did you find any or set any up?