Widow moving away from home

I live in Bedford, but my husband and I had a caravan on the Norfolk coast. He had been ill for many years, and wanted to keep the house in Bedford, although it is too big and unsuitable as we aged. Latterly, he said we should move to the coast. I had the house valued, and we were looking at bungalows in Norfolk, then he passed away. There are no affordable properties in Bedford. We have friends in the village on the coast, and there is a very active social side with activities in the village hall. Now that he’s gone, do I take the risk at 65 and move? Has anyone else gone through a similar process?


Yeh … we always said we would move near the sea but never got as far as you… you will know what is right thing to do when the time comes im sure xx


Dear Haydnhorse, I am so sorry about your loss. It is such a horrible situation we are all in. It looks like you already have friends and can join the active social activities at the coast so you are not really new in the area, which would it make easier to settle in. Why don’t you make a list with pros and contras if you want to move or if it is better to stay put? I am not sure if you drive. Is there any public transport if you cannot drive anymore and you choose to move to the coast? Doctors, shopping, etc.? How does it compare with the place you live now? Age should not hinder you from any future plans. I am 62, my husband was 65 ( he died three weeks before turning 66). Sending you lots of love and hugs.


I would move in a flash to somewhere coastal where I had friends which could provide a good social life.

I am living on the south coast but everyone I knew has died. It is painful for me but nowhere else is calling me. I would love to move though.


Thank you, that’s really positive advice. I’d forgotten that I used to do these analyses all the time at work!

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Dear Haydnhorse, I am glad that I could help you. So it seems my brain is still working occasionally. Sending you lots of love and hugs.

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