Widow Words (by Jessica Heath)

I live in the past cause that’s all that I have
Some memories are good some memories are sad
I know there’s a future somewhere out there for me
But the pain and the sorrow make it harder to see
I want to be happy and not feel so alone
I’m tired of hitting doors just made of stone
I’m tired of staring at nothing all day
I’m tired of being and feeling this way
I try and I try to get out of this hole
I dig and I dive down deep in my soul
One day I will be happy I know this is true
But for now I stay in the past here with you


Thank you, such lovely words, and so true.


Aw … how lovely. And how true - we keep on trying dont we ? Xx

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That is so so beautiful…its just so hard i know to try and move on its been the longest 9 months off my life and i dont see any light at the end off this crazy sad depressing journey…there must be light one day im sure :upside_down_face: but net uet for me…love and friendship :broken_heart: to you all xx

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Im 17 monthd into this journey snd nonideacwhere time has gone eother ? Guess its just getting through every day as best we can ? Tskesvtime foesnt it. I made some nice dog walker friends near me so that’s a positive isnt it ? But its a hard road and i hope there is some light at end of the tunnel too x

It’s just over 3 years and 3 months for me, and yes time certainly has passed quickly. The days are getting easier to cope with, but it still feels so unreal. A different life now.
I talk to Alan every day (and sometimes shout at him for leaving me) and the tears still fall. Our lives will never be the same.
Take care x

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Just noticed typos … soz guess you got my gist … and thats a long time @Alone1 i hope you feel better in the sunshine and take care of yourself xx