Widows support group


A New Chapter NE

We are a support group for anyone who has lost a spouse or a partner.
We are a positive group and we are all at different stages on this journey, we have different stories to tell, we are all different ages and come from different backgrounds. None of us wish to be here, but it has brought us all together to help each other find new friends, with an understanding of what we’re going through. This is not a dating site, this is for friendships, and to find a joy in our lives again. We aim to add a little bit of laughter which they say is the best medicine.
There is no pressure to join anything until you feel ready.
We’re all in this boat together - and this is our new chapter.
Our main communication is from our Facebook group ‘A New Chapter NE’ (Widow/Widower support group) where we offer each other support, understanding, help and a listening ear. To join please find us on Facebook and answer all 3 security questions for approval.
We have many local regular meet ups - ranging from Morpeth, Newcastle, Whitley Bay, Sunderland, Durham and Middlesbrough to Darlington, we have a mixture of small groups to larger groups.
We have day trips, weekends away and various other events.
We are all here for you, when you’re ready to turn the page and start your new chapter.


Thank you for sharing this, @Sadie1 :blue_heart:

@Caz12, you were asking about meet-ups in Durham so I’m giving this a little bump for you.

@Caz12 we have regular meet ups in Durham, everyone is friendly please message me if your interested :+1:

Well hope it goes ahead

Hi im in Brotton near Saltburn and useless on the phone .Is there ever any events near me at all i dont drive so am pretty isolated .Im 71 lost my partner last April.Thankyou.

Lots of events in Sunderland & Durham Middlesbrough & Darlington
If you send me your contact details I’ll send you information

Did anyone come up with anywhere near you?
It is awkward when you feel isolated.
Have you thought of penfriends on email?
I have a penfriend.
It is quite nice really.
If you message me can do that although dont live near you as I am in North Oxfordshire

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Hi and thanks for asking .Its on facebook.for more information the do meet ups near me but i dont drive very cold for waiting for buses so im leaving at the moment .But soundsl good i dont do facebook never have but there is alnother one called jolly Dollies i think that might be in your area .New Chapter is just in the north east keep in touch enoric xx

Yes I know it is hard and know the feeling too cold and tricky all round at the moment.
I forced myself to go to a choral evensong
But had to go back in dusk.
It was very beautiful
Saw folk from years ago who had gone too.
Seeing it was dejavu
Because my husband used to take me when he was alive.
Just have to bite the bullet. But it was warm in there.
Getting used to layers.
I think you can message privately on here when I figure out how to do it
There is a private group who message me to tell me there is a zoom group of view of us like to talk in person on line. When I remember to do it as it is held in the evening.
They meet up even though miles apart.