
Lost my wife to covid Saturday 13th March. Feel like I don’t want to go on without her. Been married 41years 29th March. So hard to wake up in morning hate the sight of dawn and facing another horrible day


Hi kenwell,
I too lost my husband to covid 6 weeks ago, he was 40 years old and healthy. We were married for 13 years together for 17. We have two sons 11 and 8. It’s the most awful, lonely feeling in the world isn’t it? I’m so very sorry for your loss. I think as it was covid it just makes you feel so angry and hurt! It didn’t need to happen. It shouldn’t of happened. I feel for you


Sarah, you are right, it shouldn’t happen and Kenwall, 41 years but it isn’t long enough. That’s how I feel after 45 but both of you to lose your loved ones to covid is dreadful. Things will get better and we will get through this time and we will smile but at present it is all about getting through each day, getting up and putting on that brave smile. Very hard. You both are brave sharing your story and reaching out, we are always here and if you feel counselling can help then please ask for it, there is no shame, it’s just being able to talk to someone who understands your feelings. Please take care of yourselves. Bless you both and your families. S xx


Hi kenwall

Hope you are getting help from family.
It is heart broken to lost your partner,
unfortunately nothing takes the pain, and fear of a future without her
But think you are not alone. In this community some people help stay and say how your are feeling.

Warm regards and a hugs xx

Thankyou for your reply :sparkling_heart:

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I hope you are doing ok? I find myself struggling the more time that passes

Sarah x

Hope I learn to live alongside the pain keep going let the pain come. I’ve read a very good book it’s OK to not be OK

Hi kenwall

It is good you are reading the book.
As you said it is ok to NOT BE OK. Despite what other people would say.
You dont have to be strong because nobody around you have had a drastic change of life style.
Take your time to do the paper work, pause when the pain hits,
Keep writting.

Hi Sarah, I am so sorry for your loss.

My partner died 6 weeks ago and we have 2 children 9 and 13.

I hope these days are going as well for you as they can be. I am finding it a struggle some days more than others regarding the whole sole parenting thing.

Mx :heart:


I’m so sorry for your loss too, it’s the worst pain imaginable isn’t it? I too am struggling the more time that passes. How are your children coping? I think its finally hit my oldest son, he is sad for the things that will never be, things him and his dad will never do. It breaks my heart :disappointed_relieved:

Sarah x

I lost my husband on 12/03/21 to covid.
The pain is indescribable. I can’t understand how the world keeps turning.

I’m so sorry you have experienced this hell as well. Would you like to talk about her? I find it helps a bit.

Thank you @Sarah2601

Intolerable pretty much sums it up doesn’t it. My eldest a girl who turned 14 a week after her dad died, I think is dealing with it by hiding away a bit. But school is being good. She could do with some friends giving her some space. The 9, about to turn 10 seems ok, he just says it’s different without dad here.

I hope your eldest is coping ok. He sounds like he has an awareness beyond his years; what he said is what I find to be the most tragic. Facing all those big events alone is going to be tough beyond words. :pensive:


Dear Sarah and Merrin

I hope you don’t mind me joining in your exchange at this point but I noticed from something that popped up on my Facebook that Barnardo’s have a child bereavement service.

I can only imagine how difficult it must be for your children. My kids are both adults, both in counselling since their dad died suddenly. Our son has a young baby - he was only 9 months when my husband died - and I can see Whatsapp messages that our son sends to his dad heartbroken at all the milestones that he is missing as a granda.

Take care. Thinking of you both and your families.

No problem Sheila, very thoughtful I hadn’t heard of the Barnardo’s service.

When the time’s right, she has agreed to talk to someone much to my relief. I think it’s only so long it’s good for someone her age to hide away.


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