Will this pain ever ease

I’ve been posting for a while now. And find the support from others on this forum invaluable. We are all in the same awful grief club on the same horrendous journey.
At the beginning of the week I wasn’t too bad, but Tuesday I had a meltdown. My daughter talked to me and told me they are there to help with anything, and I know that they mean it.
The next day I was much calmer and much more positive. Yesterday not quite so good, and now today I’m in bits again.
Its 10 weeks now but this pain is not getting any easier. I still feel totally broken and miss my husband so much I can’t bear it.
When will this heartbreak ever ease. Will it ever?


I feel your pain, it’s been 22 weeks since I lost my husband and like you my days can differ, some ok, some bad and some just so painful that’s it’s hard to describe how I feel. Somehow we just have to navigate the best we can but I know I will never be me again, part of me died the day I lost Dave. Sending you love and hugs and hope tomorrow is a better day for you xx🫂


@Liro I’m sorry you are struggling at the moment, but its good that you have your daughter to stand by you.

This grief that we are all going through is like a roller coaster, and you never know when its going to strike. Be assured we are going through the same thing.

I dont know what to say to help, except that i am here to listen. I am 4 months into this and have spent most of the day crying. Tomorrow must be a better day.

We have to find a way to move forward. Take care of yourself.


@Shaz10 and @paeony
Thankyou for your support.
I know there’s nothing anyone can say or do to make this hurt go away. I’ve just got to go with it, and hope eventually that I can accept whats happened and move on.
I know I’ll never be the same because like you a big part of me died when I lost Roger.
I’m hoping to have a better day today, one of Rogers Grandaughters has aked me to go to her sons 5th birthday tea, so that will be a nice distraction, and thats all that seems to help at the moment, distractions.
Hopefully when this awful weather breaks and I can get into the garden that will help. There’s a lot to do out there and it’ll give me something to focus on.
I used to make cards, but since Rogers been gone I’ve not been interested, perhaps I should try, I used to love doing them. The designing the decoupage, I loved it.
I’m sorry to keep whingeing but its here that I can get my thoughts down without being judged. Its here that I know people really understand.
Thankyou for caring
Take care
Big hugs

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@Liro you come on here and whinge all you want. You support others and we are all in this together.

I hope you have a better day today, and I hope you have the sun we have here. It does lighten the heart a little.

You have a lovely birthday tea to look forward for later, so try and put your troubles to one side and enjoy it (I know its very hard).

Sending hugs (())

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Thankyou. Yes the sun is shining here, at the moment, it does feel a little easier when its sunny.
Im looking forward to the tea. I’ll be seeing Rogers Granddaughters who are lovely, and his ex daughter-in-law, who is also lovely.
Its so nice that they’ve included me.
I will try not to cry too much, if I start they all will, but its only because they all loved him so much.
I must hang on to that. It’ll help me get through
Thankyou again
Big hugs to you too

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Let me give you a smile for the day. I have just read on Facebook that today is Naked Gardening Day! I’m planning a trip to the allotment this afternoon, but somehow I dont think i will be taking part :rofl::rofl:


How can we feel such a range of emotions in such a short space of time?
It is unbelievable .

I think at the moment my mind has had too much and has gone back to not believing it’s happened. Which of course means reality will steadily or suddenly creep back.

I have questioned so many times when this pain will end.
Today, I’m thinking perhaps what happens is we learn to live with it.
It may be, may be, a little lass pain but there will be pain.
But honestly, who knows?

We’re here for you.

Sending love and hugs, Rose x


Thankyou all for your care and concern.
The day turned out quite well although I did have to struggle to hold back the tears. Mostly I managed. There were people there I didnt know and I didnt want them to feel awkward.
I don’t know if it will help but I have decided to go to church tomorrow. I’m not particularly religious but neither am I irreligious. I have felt a desire to just sit in the church since losing Roger, unfortunately they are now locked between services so I will have to go to the service. Who knows, maybe it will help. It can’t hurt and at the moment I will try anything
Take care and thankyou all for caring
Big hugs


You don’t need to apologise for emotions that you have no control over. I sometimes feel that family/friends must get fed up with me and my crying but none of us who are going through this horrible grief thing are in control of our emotions.
Glad you had a good day at the birthday tea , it alway helps to have some company.
I’ve got 3 grandchildren staying tonight, but tomorrow will come and they will go home leaving me on my own again.
Somehow we get through each day and hopefully in the future we will be able to look back on our memories and smile, instead of crying :people_hugging:xx


Morning everyone. Its a beautiful morning here. I have been incredibly calm this morning.
Until I thought about what to have for dinner, Sunday dinner alone.
Don’t think I’ll bother, I’m not enjoying food anyway. But why should I cry about it?
I’m going to church soon and hopefully I’ll get some peace from that.
Hope you all have the best day you can
Take care
Big hugs


Thinking of you today Rose
I know Sundays are difficult for you

Take care
Big hugs


Thank you so much Liz. Xx

That is so kind xx

Hope you have the best day you can xx

I have the same feelings up one minute devastated the next. Its my birthday the end of the month. I cant be bothered. But June 8th would have been our 50th anniversary and not sure how i am going to get through it. Not as if i can talk to anybody i live alone and cant go out and haven’t been on my own out without Jimi i trusted him. So i look at the 4 walls and just think. My kids are good but they have there own families and i dont want to be a burden


I’m sorry @Shirl55 I dont know what to say that might help you.
Just know that yhere are lots of us here that are always ready to listen

Thinking of you
Take care
Big hugs


Thank you it means a lot knowing im not on my own