Wish i could just walk and walk...

Wish I could just get out in the fresh air, clear my head that is constantly mixed up, and just walk and walk amongst the sounds of the trees and birds…Instead I am flitting between rooms, passing, stopping at, or going into Richards bedroom, or sitting in the living room with the tv on looking across at the armchair he died in 11th April just 6 plus weeks ago…If I was to venture out my MS body would not take me far, and there is always getting myself back when my body y get messed up more whilst out and about, outside myfront door I-we live at the top of the downhill slope and it is even a steeper slope on the way heading out…There was a time I walked with Richard, pushed my body, my legs to go further than I should have gone, only because I could but, then getting back my body was messed up and I had to send him to go get the car to take me the very short distance back home…To this day I vowed never doing that again…not that I could as Richard has now gone from my life, oh not by his choosing, just someone up above said this was his time…even if myself and Richard said no it wasn’t, it isn’t, I still had things to do, to take care of here on earth…



If I lived close to you, I would come to visit you, gladly,my soulmate died on the 18th April, 2019 so I fully understand your walking round rooms, looking at possessions where he sat, I do too, this grief is overwhelming, but you have a disability which is even worse, is there nobody you can contact to help you get out, you are lost in your own little grief world which I empathise with. Source through the internet for local services it will be a stepping stone, being with people does help you keep your mind busy even its for a short while. Big hugs to you