Wish there was somewhere I could go.

Hello …. I would love to meet up for coffee and chat … I’m in Eltham se9 …. Where abouts are you :thinking::thinking:?? …. Carol

I just wanted to share these links for anyone who’d like to meet other people who have been bereaved offline.

Sue Ryder has just launched our Grief Kind Spaces.

Our Grief Kind Spaces are weekly, in-person drop-in sessions held in the local community and run by trained volunteers. The sessions provide a safe, informal and supportive place for people to come together and share their experiences of grief, helping attendees to feel heard and less alone.

If you’re not in an area with a Grief Kind space, or are looking for a different kind of support, you might want to check out the AtALoss website. It is a directory of bereavement support, including support groups. If you click this link then select your region, you can see what bereavement support is available in your area.

I hope this is helpful :blue_heart:

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Hope2, I know just how you feel, the sound of silence in our once fun , vibrant house is hard to bear. Having somewhere to go would be at least something to look forward to


Where are you based? I am a widower living in Chester and I attend a very active wonderful Widow And Widowers group here in Chester .davesmithsa

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Hello Dave’s
I am in Chesterfield they don’t have a group like this here which is a shame

Hi @Chri . There is a very active U3a group in Chesterfield, who have lots of groups doing interesting things. One group which might be specifically interesting to you is for people wanting to move on from bereavement: Moving On - Chesterfield

Be bold about doing things, and amaze yourself. Later this month A few pals and I are going potholing (probably more like caving) just up the road in Castleton. We are all old (I’m 76) and I’ve nicknamed us the Geriatrics Caving Group!

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