Wishing he would come home

She is sir, she is with you spiritually, its the body that dies, but we are all so much more then that, we are also soul AND spirit, and it is spirit that gives life to the flesh, that is indestructible, and is your real wife.

The first year is the hardest, lost my mum January last to dementia, died in my arms, we virtually lived as a couple and on more then one occasion hotel staff have referred to my mum to me as ‘your wife…’ much to our amusement and there embarrassment!!, yes, I have a late prince Philip sense of humour but without the ‘purple langrage’ funeral was a year ago yesterday and I not only organised it but basically ran the dam thing as well with the ashes(sounds like cricket doesn’t it?),and in a sense it is, I am know the last man in still batting at the crease twin brother out for 61, currently I am 63 not out, when out will return to the pavilion and join the others, running the funeral was a tall order, I was ill with cellulitis, slept for 12 hours afterwards, I was goosed!!

Blessings to you :innocent:
