Without mum

My mum was my rock and constant person on the end of her phone but died on 1st august and i feel lost all the things i would phone and chat about i now can not (my dad and brother are not on the same wavelength) and this makes me so upset. By even mentioning this to my dad upsets him too. Im not sure how to deal with anything like the things i can no longer do or have that person who understands my health issues or general chats.


I completely understand how you are feeling…I lost my mom 2 weeks ago and I cannot come to terms with not having her there I am really struggling too as she was the one person that was always there for any occasion or illness or worries I had …I only have a really small family so she was really the o my person that was co stantky there for me and now I have this overwhelming sense of loneliness since losing her… so your not alone in feeling this way


Also as she died at home and all the stress of caring for her as well at home theres always the added triggers of that time. Or stuff like i better call mum and tell her etc etc as she would appreciate that and now just nothing. I dont have many friends and ones are do are distant friends or like my friend who is autistic and doesnt get how inappropriate stuff is. She was realy excited to tell me about xmas and i was just angry at that. Everything without mum is just no point in doing or no one else appreciates calls about nothing and randomness. It just seems so lonely being out there like floating in the ocean on a life ring.


I can imagine how hard that is …you are definitely not alone in feeling that way …I am the same as I keep wanting to phone my mom about little things or just when I’m bored by myself as that’s what I use to do it’s like my mind keeps forgetting she’s not there anymore it’s very hard to get use to that… i understand that Christmas is a hard thing I also don’t want to celebrate it now as it just reminds me of my mom … but I have to for my baby as it won’t be fair on him just the thought of it makes me want to be sick and my anxiety goes through the roof…there’s nothing worse than the lonely feeling! Hopefully you get a bit of peace with that with being on here and getting some support and knowing everything your feeling is completely normal

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I just posted about feeling the same sense of loss and loneliness for my mum. It’s been a year for me and I still haven’t got used to the space she’s left, so fully understand how you feel. My brothers don’t talk about their emotions or want to talk about our parents. To them, they’re dead and that’s that. But, I know that there’s a special bind between mother’s and daughters. The only thing that’s helping me is journaling and sharing my feelings and thoughts on paper.

I lived with my Mum practically all my life and I totally understand the sense of loss. She was the only one I could tell my worries too or ask for advice. I still can’t believe I’ll never talk to her or see her smiling face again.

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