Worrying about everything is it due to anixtey

I am just wondering if anyone can help me please.

What it is I lost my mum last year and I had her 1 anniversary just gone. And Im finding it hard.

Also I have had a little op on my shin and I am worrying with how it is healing, I will be having the stitches removed at the end of this month and I was just wondering if you can help me with some information to stop being over worrying with things please thank you

Hello @Angel1993 - I am so sorry that your mum died - that is a real blow and the year that has just passed has probably been really tough. Grief and loss changes us - often making us tougher, or really vulnerable, often at the same time. It is strange. My advice would be to breathe, to take a moment and to recognise that you have been through the wringer and you are not yet out the other side. You will be worried about the operation and the likely outcome of that because your mum died. It makes people hyper-vigilant and afraid that bad things will happen because a bad thing did - a bad thing that continues to hurt like heck. My friend, you will be ok, you will get through this. You have got this far and that is a big achievement. Try to draw strength from that and maybe try to stand tall - if only for a moment. Then, try again. And tell yourself that you are brave, you are dealing with a tough situation and you are surviving it. You have friends here who understand and who are with you. Hold tight, it will be ok.


Thank you so much for this. With my mum I was sitting with here all day and she was fine laughing and smiling and everything else and then I have a phone call the next day saying she passed away in her sleep. And now it feels like I am am worrying over little things and.my breavment person give me this website to tal to people when I am struggling and it out of family members when I struggle to open up abit

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I am glad you are with us, @Angel1993 - we are a family on here, all with the experience of grief, shock, pain, sadness, fear, guilt and tentative hope that things might get better. Some of us are further ahead on this road, others have just joined it, but we are all together and take the next step, each day, knowing we can come here to find people who get it, people who care. The sun is out here - I am going to head into the garden to soak up the shine! x


Thanks you for replying to my message, I wish I could go in the chill in the sun I have to be careful with having fair skin I catch the sun quite easily. Hope you enjoy the rest of the day

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I totally understand this post and empathise. I’m due a total prolapse op which was booked 3 days after my mum died on 14th dec 2023. As my mum was still strong willed and lived alone we cared for each other when the other was poorly. I nursed her after hip replacement sepsis and broken knee. Took time off etc but now knowing I’ve a major op due which has already been cancelled once is now weighing heavily on me anxiety wise. I’ve felt bereft and suicidal with her passing as although I’m used to living alone knowing a person is there for you is an anchor. So I get how you feel anxious as my mum was found by neighbours after a huge stroke/ bleed with no chance of recovery.