Worse on a morning

I lost my husband 2 weeks ago and every morning when I wake up for a second I forget then I feel the pain and deep sadness it hurts so much to be without him


Dear @Carolina

Thank you for reaching out and welcome to the Community. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your husband.

There are no words to describe the pain of losing a loved one. There is a useful Grief Guide by Sue Ryder that contains information to help you understand and cope with your bereavement and grief.

You too can connect with members here by typing the topic in the search bar, it would be also helpful to speak to your doctor to see how they can support you at this time.

Please continue to reach out, you are not alone, we are all here for you. If you would like more information, please email online.community@sueryder.org.

Take care.


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I am nearly a year into this grief the mornings get worse as I have to wake every morning and think I cannot do another day and yet here I am stuck in this existence forever. Any little thing goes wrong in the house and all of a sudden it is a major disaster as finance is another cross to bare. I wish with all my heart things would just ease a bit but not yet. I hope and pray other people do not go through this awful journey and cope better than me.

I’m so sorry for your loss I feel your pain I can’t seem to do anything I just sit all day thinking about him sending hugs

Dear @Carolina @Jessica1231 I am so sorry for your loss and I understand how you are feeling. It’s 12 weeks since I lost my husband and every day is a struggle. It’s that sinking feeling each morning that you have so many things to do from housework to feeding pets and managing finances without the support we once had.
I finally reached out to my GP as the stress is causing night sweats, palpitations, high blood pressure and visual disturbance. Nothing can prepare you for this and there’s nobody there to help, friends disappear & family carry on with no care for anyone but themselves.
Sending you both a hug
Jen x

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I’m sorry your friends and family are not there for you and I am glad your getting help from your gp
Sending you hugs

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