Would You consider

Hi All

Too early for me and couldn’t afford it but, would you contemplate moving to another part of the country ?

I’m in Nottingham and find myself on my own now after losing mum last August. I just have work at the moment to keep me going, my home city is now more or less a student campus. If I had the money I might contemplate leaving as I don’t find much here for me anymore.

Am I the only one ? I would want to go somewhere friendly and welcoming as I feel my city finished. Always admired the scousers and their friendliness and outgoing personalitys. Got to be more to life then just work, I need happiness too in my life.


Hi @Keith68
:thinking:Hmmm… I’ll admit, I would happily move if my boyfriend would move with me, he’s the most important “living” person in my life now, so all my decisions revolve around him. I don’t think we’ll ever leave Bath, it’s an amazing city, & our whole life is here.

I know what you mean about the north, my mom was originally from Sunderland, she always said people are friendly in the North, & the cost of living is cheaper up there too.
All I can say is trust your intuition, & do what is right for you. I think it’s true to say everything changes over time, even the places we grew up in changed, for example shops in the high street change, places close down, new houses get built, what was once a bank is now an Italian restaurant, what was once a DIY store has now been removed & turned into student flats, the list goes on. I guess if we all think about all the changes out home towns have gone through, it’s strange that we never think of it in terms of “is living here right for me now?”, I wander how often we stay where we are just because it’s familiar, there’s nothing wrong with that, but since my mom passed, I’ve felt no-one knows what’s just around the corner, life’s too short to not do the things that make you happy.

I think if I was with someone it might change my perspective on life, but sadly that’s not the case. Things get worst as you say and our birth places change beyond recognition and we feel more lost. It’s ok for now, but I know it’s a problem for me that’s going to get worst for me in time. If I’m going to be alone for the rest of my life then at least I should contemplate a more happier more sociable city, town. It does make a difference where you live and if you always have people around you then it acts as a healing agent. I watched 30 highlights of Ken Dodd when he passed a tickling stick was tied to every lamp post. People lined the streets to say goodbye to him, you don’t get that no more. Liverpool people are so proud and care about their history and the people that put the city on the map. Community spirit is strong in Liverpool, where it’s died in other city’s, towns. There’s a saying you can take a person out of a city, but you can’t take the city out of them. So true, Ken Dodd never left Liverpool or his parents house where he was born. He could of lived in a mansion anywhere, but chose to stay in Liverpool his birth city.

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I like where me and the kids live , my wife and I chose the house due to a big garden ( kids were 5&1 when we moved in here ) , my issue now is everything ( not just the house but pretty much anywhere we go ) has so many memories of my wife , vast majority happy , but still reminders that she’s gone . Will have to see/hope they become good memories to treasure in the future , if they just intensify how much I miss her then who knows maybe I will have to move .

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buying or renting ?

I am on a grief awareness course at the moment . And the councellor said when you move you still take all your memories thoughts with you,they dont go away.
I feel like you all my memories of my lovely mum are everywhere i go, hairdressers, pub, places we loved to visit. Its tough I come from Merseyside near Liverpool and I thank you for your kind words xxx

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Expensive ?

I would have memories of mum in Liverpool too.