Wrapping presents through tears

I have been wrapping presents for my oldest son and grandsons and suddenly started sobbing uncontrollably because I should have been wrapping my youngest sons Matthew as well . It’s been 6 week not long but I have to smile for my 4 year old grandsons sake . I feel so lost and really don’t know how I will cope

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Hi, it is such a difficult time and as you say 6 weeks is very early for you plus all the emotions that come with Christmas. You seem very strong and that brave face for you little Grandson is fine but sometimes we just have to give in. We are all here for you and don’t feel you have to be alone special at this time. It hurts and the pain can seem unbearable but honestly you will get through and with family around over the Christmas period it will soon be the new year. Stay strong. S xxx

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Thank you for your kind words I don’t want to go on tablets so this group is awesome xx

I shouldn’t say anything but I am pleased regarding medication, I used alternative therapies and was pleased with the results, It worked for me. Reflexology, aromatherapy and reiki all used and helped. Stay strong, little steps and when things go right be proud of yourself but always look after yourself. Blessings being sent with big hugs. S xx

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Thank you I use natural remedies like lavender and bergamot to help me sleep xx