Writing cards for loved ones

My Dad passed away over a year ago.

I recently found a blank fathers day card I had bought years and years ago intending to send it to my Dad and had put it away somewhere. When the next fathers day came around I could not find it so sent a different one.

It doesnt feel right to throw the card out or give it away when i had picked it out for him. I wish he was still here and I could send it to him, I think it would have made him laugh.

Someone suggested I just go ahead and write it to himwhen it gets round to that time of year next. I’m not sure.

Does anyone write cards for loved ones who have died?
What do you do with the card once written? He doesn’t have a grave for me to leave it at.


Hi @ForestCat
Yes I do, I write cards for my husband’s birthday, Christmas and our wedding anniversary, and after I put them in a memory box I have for him
This year’s card



Hi Debbie,
Thank you for your reply.
I do have a memory box for my Dad, I hadn’t thought of putting the card in there so thanks so much for sharing what you do, i might do the same when that time of year rolls round.


Dear @ForestCat,
My wife passed in July 2020, and since then I still buy and write birthday, wedding anniversary and Christmas cards for her, and each one I place on our mantlepiece at the appropriate time of year. Quite often I’ll leave the card(s) dislayed for weeks, or months even, perhaps until the next card is due. For the old cards, I’ve taken to placing them on our tiled fireplace. They are constant reminders to me of my wife and I feel it helps me to keep “in touch” with her. I haven’t quite figured out what I’ll do when I run out of space, but I’ll worry about that when the time comes. I know my approach isn’t for everyone,but just do what you feel is right for you.


Thanks for replying @Alston56.
It’s helpful to hear how other folk approach this and how it makes you feel.

I think i’m going to write a Christmas card to my Dad today.


write the card, put it with his picture or ashes and then as someone said in a keepsake box. tbh i had never thought of doing it, its a lovely idea, it keeps them with us

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