X luv u mum x

Good morning, i just lost my mum and im finding it so hard to come to terms with it. It was just so sudden . I just cant seem to process . Im getting up and living my day but its always there , in my body. She was my best friend x


Hi nori, i have family around me but just so broken hearted. I loved her so much x

Im so sorry to read about your family too x

It truly is horrific dealing with the pain. But somehow we manage to get through each day, hour by hour. I never thought I could ever go on without my mum, lived with her 53 years, but I’m still here. Every day is still painful after 3 months, but a little less raw. The grief will always be there, but I hope (as they say) I can “build” around it, slowly. It’s great on here that everyone is in a similar situation and knows the heartache that we are all facing, unfortunately. There is no easy way through it. Don’t hide it away, you really have to feel the grief to get through this. Keeping it bottled up inside will just make it harder in the long term. Wish there was an easy answer, but there isn’t. Just wish I could have her back again. xx


There is no easy way x just keep her alive in your heart xx our mums or dads will be with us always this is how i am trying to get through the pain is both physical and mental but we have to be strong as strong as we can be at our own pace xx

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Yes, one day at a time is all i can do x

Hi Jarm- I just lost my dad on July 11. He was healthy and had a massive heart attack in his sleep. My mom found him on the floor and it has been devastating. I am 51 years old and never thought that I would be without my dad. I have been struggling with my own grief and the grief I see my mom going through. It is all so very sad and I do not know how to help her or go on without him. My mom will have to move closer to us (she is 8 hours away) and sell the dream house that her and my dad had. It is so much grief and sadness all at once.


Hi, i lost my mum on 12 August. She had never really been ill in her life at all. Its such a shock , so fast, so unfair. Im sorry to read about your loss. Im hoping that talking on here will help us all x

HI Jarm-
I am so very sorry for your loss:-( I understand the shock, numbness, etc. that you are going through, as I am feeling the same way. Everyday feels like it just happened and it is soo painful and devastating:-( I hope that you are doing okay and are able to process through some of the grief. I am here to chat any time, so please reach out:-)
Take care,

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Thanks tara, its just so difficult isnt it. Thanks for caring, hope ur doing ok x

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Not coping with this at all today . So so sad :disappointed: :pensive: :worried:


I have a lot of pictures on my phone. I regularly look at them, talk to her photos (on my phone!) and have a good cry. Lets the pain out and makes me feel a bit better. It’s horrible suffering like this, we can only keep plodding on, one day at a time and hope the pain does lessen a little. I don’t know how though. Never imagined grief could feel like this. xx

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Bad day again today, feeling so sad all the time broken :disappointed:

Bad day today, so sad :disappointed:

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Me again, nearly nine months now, still getting flash backs , still cant loo k at pictures, still sad and angry. Ive had my first birthday without her, ive had Christmas without her, ive got past her birthday. Every morning i remember shes not here anymore. Coming up my first holiday without her, then the dreaded day , one year on will without her. I get through days but my heart is still broken. You took a piece of my heart mum and i will never stop thinking of you, luv u mum xx


Thinking of you Jarm. I am struggling at the moment. Miss my mum 12 months on x

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Hi, here again, bad day today , sad again and angry at life.

So sorry daisy , i wish i coild make this all better xxx :pensive: x

And I wish the same for you. Weekends are killing me. We never did anything amazing, sometimes just sat outside Greggs with a coffee people watching, mum loved people watching. Simple stuff, just love & companionship.

Sending you another bucket of love Jarm xx

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Its the little things daisy, they mean the world. I definitely feel mum took half of me with her . Weekends are the worse. Thinking of you too x

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How are you doing Jarm? I took myself to Costa today, my little town was full of tourists but the universe sent me a parking space! I just want someone to take charge, tell me what to do next x