Xmas and birthdays

Grieve is so hard and trying to explain to people who don’t understand is hard.

Everything at the moment is understandably about Xmas and it’s heartbreaking as my Shaun loved this time of year.

This is my 1st Xmas without my partner who I lost suddenly in Feb this year he was only 36. Its our daughters birthday next week along with my father in laws, following week is my birthday followed by Xmas then his birthday on 27th and I am finding it very overwhelming.

We are still awaiting coronors report to which us due in Jan, we was told yesterday there was significant failings in his care which has floored me xxx


I can relate to your story in the fact that my mum who passed 16/11 in hospital as undergone an autopsy which I have since learnt is going to an inquest also in January. It has a massive impact on the grieving process. What is the story behind your partners passing?

He was in a mental health hospital to change his medication after a break down. An we just got a call to say he had died. Was DVT in his leg but things didn’t add up so we got police involved who are investigating the hospital xxx

I have had bad experiences of mental health hospitals, not directly, but witnessed. Seen and heard dreadful things

That must be SO difficult @Claire84
I know my husband was cared for by a friend, who is a Dr., from the moment he started to feel unwell until the paramedics got to him as they were on their way to the nearest hospital with an A&E. I try not to dwell on the fact that the local hospital to where we live and to where he was playing football does not have an A&E any more as I feel thinking about that too much would drive me insane. If there had been a crash team available when he actually arrested maybe he could have been saved but I’ll never know that.

I do hope when you get the report you can have some peace from the not knowing at least. xxx