Xmas gift to heaven

Saw this and thought it might help anyone struggling to find the words x


Dear @Jen64

Thank you for sharing the beautiful heartfelt words with the Community.

Take care.



Thank you. Lovely thoughts x


@Jen64 thankyou for sharing this, its beautiful :heart: xxx sending you lots of love xxx

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@Lorraine89 you are most welcome sending lots of love in return, we are all in this together xx

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@Jen64, thankyou :heart: and absolutely I still think of you and that post you put up, it really helped me on that day and I cannot thankyou enough for that xxxx

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Dear @Lorraine89 I try to find things that keep me putting one foot in front of the other and I am so pleased to know it helps others too. I’ve had a difficult day today but I have been playing Mikes favourite tunes on my piano. I hope he is listening but I do miss him clapping and saying well done sweetheart.
How are you ? xxx

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Hi @Jen64, I read your post when I’m having a bad day and I instantly feel better your post came on my dad’s anniversary and I was so so sad and you helped pick me back up, something I will be forever greatful for so thankyou again :heart:.
I’m sorry you have had a difficult day but I’m sure Mike was right there with you and loved every minute of it, I’m OK thankyou, it would be my sons birthday tomorrow too he would be 13 years old but I take great comfort that he has his papa now and that they are probably having the best time together xxxx

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Thank you for this beautiful poem, it brought tears to my eyes. This is my 4th Christmas without my beloved Sister, and these words are so fitting. Blessings to you & everyone here. Xxx

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