Xmas has always been sad

Xmas as never been a happy time for our family my sister died Xmas eve when she was 4 my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer 2 days before Xmas and died the following January . Now I’m just lost my husband of 23 years. I miss them all so much I feel so sad a alone I will not be celebrating Xmas just wish it was over.


My sister died on Christmas Eve 1980 , now facing my first Christmas without my mum . I feel so sad as well and spend a lot of time alone but i will be spending Christmas with my brother and his family . I will be smiling outside and dying inside .
Take care , thinking of you . Love Angie xx


My mum died 22nd December 10 years ago and my husband died November 11th 2020 it’s so hard lv annie x


It is hard Annie , i hope you are coping as well as you can.
Love Angie xx

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