Xmas is coming!!

Only 87 days to go, and what shall I do when it gets here!
If you’ve seen my posts last year, you will know that instead of dreading Xmas alone, without my wife Penny,I decided to use it to celebrate the 49 Xmasses we spent together.
Last year I went for a nice trek into the local Peak District, talking to her all the time I was there, followed by popping in to one of the country pubs. This turned out to be a lovely day, except that the pub was only doing pre-booked Xmas dinners only, so I had a bag of crisps.
What shall I do this Xmas?
I’ve asked people again not to invite me for dinner, because Penny won’t be there and I’ll miss her.
I’ve already decided that, whatever I do, I’ll be back home for an Indian Banquet, I’ve never done that before!!
The morning might turn out to be another trek, but I’d like to have ideas for something totally different!!
I’ll probably be laid out asleep on the settee for the afternoon.
So any ideas welcome!


N died 3 days before Christmas, so technically I’ve had my ‘first Christmas’ but that time was such a blur.
I considered keeping to myself this year, but my brother and his family are visiting my mum, so I’m going to invite them all for Christmas day lunch.
It’ll be chaos, but better than the alternative…
N and I said a few times that we’d volunteer with a local charity to help cook and serve a Christmas lunch… maybe you could do that?

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Thanks @Scubadolly , I’ll look at that option.


Or just go away @tykey. I go away for the whole Christmas week, usually to a holiday cottage in West Wales. Walks along the coastal path are quite exhilarating at that time of year and the solitude can be liberating. Just me and my man in my heart. :heart:


@Crazy_Kate . That’s a great idea!. I’ve just come back from a lovely 4 day break in a very quiet (if I ignore the sheep!) shepherds hut in Anglesey. The dogs love the beaches, and care even less than me about Xmas. I just sit, drinking ouzo, or the local beer made out of seaweed, reading, and playing my flute to the sheep.That would be a good option!
PS I love your avatar of my hero, Pooh! I often turn to him and Piglet for guidance if I get a bit wound up! Ho Hum!!!
PPS I must buy some more hunny!


A bear of ‘very little brain’ but both Pooh and Piglet often say the best words.:sparkling_heart: I’m a fan too @tykey :grinning:
There’s nothing quite like a good Pooh quote.

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If ever there is a tomorrow when we’re not together, there is something you must always remember: You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.

My husband bought me a plaque with those words - it’s almost like he knew what was coming…:disappointed_relieved:


I’ve done one Christmas, too, which was made just-about bearable because the neighbours invited me over. This year I just want to spend it alone with a book, pizza, and absolutely no tv or radio on to remind me what day it is.


Can thoroughly recommend West Wales, but bring your wellies!

Oh, I meant to say, I was in Anglesey at the beginning of the month. Walked up Holy Mountain and the coast path to South Stack, amongst other places. Fabulous! My husband hated walking, he much preferred cycling.

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Yes @Catrin1, I needed my wellies last year but the wet weather didn’t stop me getting out. Last year I stayed in Aberporth. This year I’m staying in Tresaith.

A lovely place, Tresaith. Especially the waterfall.

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Goodness. Aberporth is just down the road!

I tend to focus on the area between Aberystwyth and Cardigan.

That’s where I live!