
@Deb5 same!! i miss him so much he was my everthing, always made us happy, looked after, safe and loved and now it’s all just completely gone and we’re so broken, lovely, scared…
im trying so hard to make things nice for my youngest but it’s absolutely
killing me :broken_heart: sending you so much love at this horrific time xx

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Yeh im same ! Just wanna get out of there ! Its so hard being near people isn’t it ? And im same - wait until i get down to bit of milk snd bread !! Then have to go shopping ! At least we got something in now and we wont starve !! Xx

Yeh he was my protector, my rock. My bereavment counsellor said that as well … he looked after me right until the end - god bless him ! I loved him so much ! He was such a good man … how we gonna get through it ? Dunno tbh. I get fleeting moments of happiness when i talk to some special friends and see my granddaughter but its so tough with all we have lost isnt it ? Families i find are the flipping worse !! So much lack of empathy in my family anyway … Xx


@Mist2 I had to go back to work for my sanity and for money. I work in retail so it’s been really busy. I can’t believe how impatient and rude some people are. I know they don’t know what we are going through but at least be kind. Luckily my boss has given me 4 days off so I can escape this shit for now. Just got to get through this best way we can.x

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We have ! And youre so right people can be so very rude ! Even in supermarkets - thats why i avoid them ! They dont know what were going through do they ? And yeh kindness seems to have disappeared these days with a lot of people x

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@Deb5 i really don’t know how to get through it i think the cruelest part is we literally have no choice? shaun absolutely loved xmas and he made it so exciting and full of happiness… he was the most caring loving father/husband and i just cannot believe we’re all here without him! i keep looking at photos from last xmas and we were so so happy xx


I kmow … thinks thats what makes it hard …we have no choice !!! Remember to light a candle for him at 7pm tonght like we are all doing and keep your memories of him around you ! I wear , especially at beginning of this , his clothes. His dressing gown ! Anything he had ! Just to keep him close ! Also write a journal - that is so good ! Telling him how u feel etc … anything you want. Keeps him close xx

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i will do @Deb5 :candle:
thinking of everyone here going through this horrible pain xx