Yet another first

It’s Grand National today and we always used to pick our horses together and he would go to the bookies to place our bets :disappointed_relieved:


The firsts are the worst. If you are up for it, still pick a horse and put that bet on. Find comfort in the tradition.

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Same for me we always watched the grand national and chose our horses,he was lucky and always won even though he didn’t know anything about horse racing.I feel really sad today.


@wendyj121 my friend put one on for me and came round to watch it with me …I lost lol but it did evoke happy memories

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It’s occasions like this that hit you out of nowhere!..yet another trigger to cope with. I watched it with my friend which was lovely but I kept looking at the chair where she was sitting and all I could see was my husband, it’s so hard to deal with isn’t it…

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Aww so glad you did it x

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Thank you, me too. I think we all in some ways try to avoid things that we did together because of the sadness but sometimes you have to push through that to reach the happy memories and to continue to honour what they enjoyed and like you say to continue those traditions that were part of us


Same … just told my dog walker friend that this afternoon. Her husband gone to bookies to put bet on … makes u so sad doesnt it ? X

We didn’t follow the Grand National but today was the first tidy up of the back garden without her offering ‘helpful’ tips - it really did hurt.

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